Which body movements can occur in the frontal plane?

Which body movements can occur in the frontal plane?

Which body movements can occur in the frontal plane?

The clearest examples of frontal plane movements are straight-arm lateral raises and lateral leg raises, which are comprised of adduction and abduction of the shoulder and hip, respectively.

Which body movements can occur in the frontal plane quizlet?

the frontal plane, also known as the coronal or lateral plane, bisects the body laterally from side to side, dividing it into front (ventral) and back (dorsal) halves. Abduction and adduction movements such as jumping jacks (shoulder and hip) and spinal lateral flexion occur in this plane.

Which body movements occur in the sagittal plane?

Dividing the body into left and right halves using an imaginary line gives us the sagittal plane. Any forward and backward movement parallel to this line occurs in the sagittal plane.

Which movement lowers a body part vertically in the frontal plane?


Term flexion Definition movement that decreases the a joint angle
Term elevation Definition •a movement that raises a body part vertically in the frontal plane
Term depression Definition •lowers a body part in the same plane
Term protraction Definition anterior movement of a body part in the transverse (horizontal) plane

What are the movements that occur within your body?

Types of movements in the human body

Flexion Bending
Abduction Moving away from the reference axis
Adduction Bringing closer to the reference axis
Protrusion Forward
Retrusion Backward

Is Jumping Jacks frontal plane?

Frontal-plane movements divide the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) halves. A frontal-plane motion involves moving side to side. Examples are side shuffles, jumping jacks, and jumping sideways.

Are pull ups frontal plane?

The action of a pullup takes place primarily in two planes of motion — the sagittal and frontal. Varying the grip changes the plane of motion. Gripping the bar with your palms facing forward creates more frontal plane movement in the arms.

Which body movements can occur in the sagittal plane quizlet?

The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right halves. Motions in the sagittal plane include flexion and extension.

How does the frontal plane divide the body quizlet?

Also called the frontal plane. an internal view of the body produced by a slice perpendicular to the long axis of the structure. A vertical plane that divides the body into front (anterior or ventral) and back (posterior or dorsal) sections.

Which movement lowers a body part vertically in the frontal plane quizlet?

A movement that lowers a body part vertically in the frontal plane is called _____. abduction (abduction refers to moving a body part in frontal plane away from the midline of the body.) flexion (flexion is a movement that decreases a joint angle.)