When and what time is the new moon?

When and what time is the new moon?

When and what time is the new moon?

Moon phases (Full Moon) 2022

Moon phase Date Time
Full moon (Supermoon) July 13, 2022 11:38:06 AM
Last quarter July 20, 2022 07:19:23 AM
New moon July 28, 2022 10:55:26 AM
First quarter August 5, 2022 04:07:31 AM

What date is the next new moon?

New moon calendar 2022: Dates to know March 2, 2022. April 1, 2022. April 30, 2022. May 30, 2022.

Is today a new moon?

Waxing Crescent Today’s moon is 40,53% visible and is crescent. 1 day left to the next phase 1st Quarter.

Is it a new moon right now?

Moon Phase for Monday Jun 6th, 2022 The current moon phase for today is the Waning Crescent phase. On this day, the moon is 6.91 days old and 38.37% illuminated with a tilt of 168.54°.

What do you do on a new Moon?

What to do during the new moon:

  • Write down your intentions.
  • Choose an affirmation.
  • Take a new moon refresher bath.
  • Create sacred space.
  • Spend time with naysayers.
  • Get stuck in the past.
  • Say no to new opportunities, people, or experiences.

Is today a new moon day?

Moon Phase for Thursday Jun 2nd, 2022 The current moon phase for today is the Waxing Crescent phase. On this day, the moon is 2.78 days old and 7.24% illuminated with a tilt of 151.109°.

What phase is the moon today?

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a First Quarter phase.

What moon cycle is today?

The current moon phase for today is the Waning Crescent phase. On this day, the moon is 6.91 days old and 38.37% illuminated with a tilt of 168.54°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 396,762.48 km and the moon sign is Virgo. The Moon phase for today is a Waning Crescent phase.