What is box shadow property?

What is box shadow property?

What is box shadow property?

The box-shadow CSS property adds shadow effects around an element’s frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.

What is required for box shadow property?

The offset-x and offset-y values are required for the CSS box-shadow property. The color value is not required, but since the default for the box-shadow is transparent, the box-shadow will not appear unless you specify a color value. The larger the blur-radius value, the bigger the blur.

Can we apply transform property to box shadow?

Using transforms on the box-shadow (& transform ) property, we can create the illusion of an element moving closer or further away from the user.

How do you turn off box shadows?

Primer CSS Box Shadow Remove style is mainly used to remove the box-shadow. To remove the box-shadow, we will add an additional class . box-shadow-none.

How do you blur a box shadow?

That syntax is: box-shadow: [horizontal offset] [vertical offset] [blur radius] [optional spread radius] [color]; The horizontal offset (required) of the shadow, positive means the shadow will be on the right of the box, a negative offset will put the shadow on the left of the box.

Does box shadow property allows you to create multiple drop shadows?

If your browser supports Css Box Shadow Property then you can see multiple colored shadows below. Multiple shadows can be made using the same code that is used for making single shadow. To make these multiple shadows we just need to define multiple shadow value and seperate them with a comma.

How do you set a box shadow to none?

CSS Syntax box-shadow: none|h-offset v-offset blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit; Note: To attach more than one shadow to an element, add a comma-separated list of shadows (see “Try it Yourself” example below).