What is a Retroauricular lymph node?
The mastoid lymph nodes (retroauricular lymph nodes or posterior auricular glands) are a small group of lymph nodes, usually two in number, located just beneath the ear, on the mastoid insertion of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle, beneath the posterior auricular muscle.
Does no fatty hilum mean cancer?
Ahuja et al. suggested that loss of fatty hilum is not a specific ultrasound feature for malignancy [11]. However, in the present study, loss of echogenic fatty hilum was found to be an independent factor to predict cervical lymph node involvement.
Where are Epitrochlear lymph nodes located?
The epitrochlear nodes are located in the subcutaneous connective tissue on the medial aspect of the elbow, about 4–5 cm above the humeral epitrochlea.
What is a pathologic lymph node?
A lymph node is considered pathologic when it is greater than 1.5 cm in maximum diameter in the jugulodigastric region (level II nodes) or greater than 1 cm in maximum diameter in other regions of the neck. Some radiologists also use a 1.5-cm measurement in the submandibular region (level I).
What does the Retroauricular lymph node drain?
These nodal groups drain the efferent lymphatics from the occipital, retro-auricular, occipital, and parietal scalp nodes. It receives direct drainage from the skin of the lateral and posterior neck and shoulder, the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and thyroid gland.
Is fatty hilum lymph node cancer?
Objectives: A fatty hilum within a lymph node on CT is considered a benign characteristic.
What causes swollen Epitrochlear lymph nodes?
EPITROCHLEAR. Epitrochlear lymphadenopathy (nodes greater than 5 mm) is pathologic and usually suggestive of lymphoma or melanoma. Other causes include infections of the upper extremity, sarcoidosis, and secondary syphilis.
Can you feel Epitrochlear lymph node?
Epitrochlear lymph nodes, which are nonpalpable normally, generally become palpable as a result of a pathological disease.
Are pathological lymph nodes cancerous?
Nodal size Lymph nodes measuring more than 1 cm in the short axis diameter are considered malignant. However, the size threshold does vary with anatomic site and underlying tumour type; e.g. in rectal cancer, lymph nodes larger than 5 mm are regarded as pathological.