What causes pyotraumatic dermatitis?

What causes pyotraumatic dermatitis?

What causes pyotraumatic dermatitis?

Wet eczema is also known as ‘hot spots’ and your vet may refer to it as ‘acute moist dermatitis’ or ‘pyotraumatic dermatitis’. It is caused by infection in the surface of the skin. Bacteria are present on all dogs’ skin but in order to cause infection they must break through the skin barrier.

How is pyotraumatic dermatitis treated?

For pyotraumatic dermatitis, the secondary bacterial infection on the surface of the lesion can usually be controlled with the use of topical antimicrobial agents (such as chlorhexidine and benzoyl peroxide) alone for a few days until the lesion is dry and non-pruritic.

What causes hot spots in humans?

Hot spots on dogs are normally caused by chewing, licking, and scratching of an affected area. This trauma to the dog’s skin then causes inflammation and even secondary infections. This then creates a perpetual cycle of itching and scratching since the bacterial infection is another irritant.

What is Pyotraumatic folliculitis?

Pyotraumatic folliculitis: some cases of folliculitis (e.g., in Labradors, Retrievers) appear as oozing suppurative plaque with pain. They are surrounded by satellite pustules of folliculitis or even furunculosis, which help to differentiate them from the “classical” pyotraumatic dermatitis.

What does wet eczema look like?

Weeping eczema is a term used to describe eczema that oozes clear- to straw-colored fluid. Occasionally weeping eczema is associated with presence of small blisters filled with clear fluid. Weeping eczema is a complication of typical eczema, not a separate condition.

Why does my skin get wet?

Sweating is part of the body’s complex heat regulation system. The skin stores most of the body’s water and when heat activates the sweat glands, some of that moisture comes to the surface. This moisture cools the body down but can make the skin feel wet.

What does a hot spot look like?

Often a hot spot will begin as a small red area that owners may mistake for an insect bite. Unlike an insect bite, a hot spot will rapidly worsen and spread, developing into a hot, red, oozing, and painful lesion.

How do you treat hotspots?

Depending on the severity of the hot spot, most veterinarians will treat the area with a combination of oral antibiotics, anti-itch medication, and an e-collar. Additional medications may be necessary to treat the underlying cause (flea prevention, allergy medication, ear medication, etc.).
