How would you compare chloroplast and mitochondria?

How would you compare chloroplast and mitochondria?

How would you compare chloroplast and mitochondria?

Mitochondria are the “powerhouses” of the cell, breaking down fuel molecules and capturing energy in cellular respiration. Chloroplasts are found in plants and algae. They’re responsible for capturing light energy to make sugars in photosynthesis.

What similarities do mitochondria and chloroplasts share?

Both the chloroplast and the mitochondrion are organelles found in the cells of plants, but only mitochondria are found in animal cells. The function of chloroplasts and mitochondria is to generate energy for the cells in which they live. The structure of both organelle types includes an inner and an outer membrane.

How are mitochondria and chloroplast similar and different?

Mitochondria and chloroplast are organelles found in a plant cell. However, chloroplast is absent in an animal but mitochondria is found in both. Mitochondria generates energy for the cell in the form of ATP using oxygen and nutrients. Chloroplast is the site for photosynthesis in a plant cell.

How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar and different?

Which of the following are similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts quizlet?

What similarities do the mitochondria and chloroplasts share? Both membrane bound organelles have their own DNA and help make energy available to the cell.

What is the main difference between mitochondria and chloroplasts quizlet?

what is the difference between mitochondria and chloroplasts? Mitochondria are oxidative metabolic bacteria derivatives and chloroplasts are photosynthetic bacteria derivatives.

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria function in the capture and release of energy within a cell?

In a plant cell, chloroplast makes sugar during the process of photosynthesis converting light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose. In mitochondria, through the process of cellular respiration breaks down sugar into energy that plant cells can use to live and grow.

Do both chloroplasts and mitochondria lack genetic information in the form of DNA?

Both chloroplasts and mitochondria lack genetic information in the form of DNA. Unlike chloroplasts mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane. Nearly all of the mitochondria in your cells were inherited from your mother.

What is the similarities and difference between mitochondria and chloroplasts?