How much was food during WW2?

How much was food during WW2?

How much was food during WW2?

Butter: 50g (2oz) Bacon and ham: 100g (4oz)
Sugar: 225g (8oz). Meat: To the value of 1s.2d (one shilling and sixpence per week. That is about 6p today)
Cheese: 2oz (50g) Eggs: 1 fresh egg a week.
Jam: 450g (1lb) every two months. Dried eggs 1 packet every four weeks.

How much did rations cost in WW2?

£39.00 ( about $52 USD) for one month.

Did you have to pay for your rations in WW2?

Every man, woman and child was given a ration book with coupons. These were required before rationed goods could be purchased. Basic foodstuffs such as sugar, meat, fats, bacon and cheese were directly rationed by an allowance of coupons. Housewives had to register with particular retailers.

What did people eat during WW2 UK?

Rationing began on 8th January 1940 when bacon, butter and sugar were rationed….This is a typical weekly food ration for an adult:

  • Bacon & Ham 4 oz.
  • Other meat value of 1 shilling and 2 pence (equivalent to 2 chops)
  • Butter 2 oz.
  • Cheese 2 oz.
  • Margarine 4 oz.
  • Cooking fat 4 oz.
  • Milk 3 pints.
  • Sugar 8 oz.

How much was a pint of milk in 1940?


Period Value
1939 1.4
1940 1.5
1941 1.8
1942 1.8

How much did a loaf of bread cost in 1945?

Retail Prices of Selected Foods in U.S. Cities, 1890? 2015

Year Flour (5 lbs) Bread (lb)
1950 49.1 14.3
1945 32.1 8.8
1940 21.5 8.0
1935 25.3 8.3

Was fish and chips rationed in WW2?

So engrained in English culinary culture are fish and chips that they were one of the few foods never rationed during World War II. The government believed that safeguarding this comfort meal during a time of distress was key to keeping morale up.

How much food did a child get in WW2?

Green ration books – Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 5. They had first choice of fruit, a daily pint of milk and a double supply of eggs. Blue ration books – Children between 5 and 16 years of age. It was felt important that children had fruit, the full meat ration and half a pint of milk a day.

How much did a loaf of bread cost in 1941 UK?


Period Value
1940 1.6
1941 1.5
1942 1.5
1943 1.7

Was there a lack of food in the UK during WW2?

There wasn’t a lack of food in the UK, not in the sense that people weren’t getting enough to eat or were suffering malnutrition. What there was is a lack of variety of food. Anything which was imported (citrus, tropical fruits, tea, coffee, sugar), expensive (meat) or important to the war effort (fats, meat, canned anything) would be rationed.

What was the weekly food ration for two people during WW2?

The weekly food ration for two people, UK, 1943. This photograph shows the amounts of butter, milk, bacon, lard, sugar, cheese, tea and jam received by two people per week in Britain. Around 1939, when World War II began, the United Kingdom imported two-thirds of its food, all of which had to be shipped over oceans teeming with German U-boats.

How much food did the US import during WW1?

At the start of the war it imported 70% of its food; this required 20 million tons of shipping a year. 50% of meat was imported, 70% of cheese and sugar, 80% of fruits, 70% of cereals and fats, 91% of butter.

Was fresh fish rationed from fish and chips shops during WW2?

Fresh fish was not rationed from the fish and chips shops. It was cheap and plentiful. There was always a long line of people waiting for the fish and chip shop to open. The fish and chips were served in newspaper. So we could either eat them out of doors if the weather was fine or take them home to eat. Many foods were simply off the menu.