How do I find my discord server vanity URL?

How do I find my discord server vanity URL?

How do I find my discord server vanity URL?

One of the fancy perks of partnership and reaching the highest tier of Server Boosting is being able to assign a custom URL invite to your server! You can find the option to do so in your Server Settings > Custom Invite Link. You can enter in any words, phrase, or numbers to create a unique link to your server alone!

Do vanity URLs affect SEO?

Shareable: Vanity URLs are memorable and shareable. The keywords or phrases used in the link have a higher recall value. The SEO value increases manifold: Since the keyword you are optimizing for is used along with your brand name, you are associating your business with the keyword.

What is a vanity domain name?

Vanity domain refers to a URL or domain name on the Internet that is personalized or created for the purpose of representing an individual or, in some cases, a business or group.

Can you track a vanity URL?

Vanity URL Redirect Tracking Instructions You can use Google’s tracking URL builder, Raven’s tracking URL builder, a spreadsheet, or if you have Marketing Pro you can use HubSpot’s Tracking URL Builder found in the Analytics & Reporting tools.

Are Discord links Safe?

Cybercriminals often distribute remote access Trojans through phishing links. Discord hackers specifically create accounts to spread malware. After generating a Discord-specific URL to spread the malware, they delete their accounts.

How do I get a permanent Discord link?

To create a permanent invite, select “never” under “expire after” and “no limit” under “max uses.” By doing so, you’ll generate a link that has infinite uses and won’t become obsolete over any period of time.

When would you use a vanity URL?

Only use vanity URLs when necessary. The purpose of these links are to track sources of traffic and to make it easy for people to read and/or type into their browser. Also, by using the vanity URL tool in MedEd Manager, your link will be branded with your domain.