Can we use two beans in one interface?

Can we use two beans in one interface?

Can we use two beans in one interface?

You can use @Primary to give higher preference to a bean when there are multiple beans of the same type. Since we have multiple beans Car and Bike for the Vehicle type, we can use @Primary annotation to resolve the conflict. Suppose you want Spring to inject the Car bean in place of Vehicle interface.

Can you Autowire byType when multiple beans with same type?

3. Autowiring using property type. Allows a property to be autowired if exactly one bean of property type exists in the container. If more than one exists, it’s a fatal exception is thrown, which indicates that you may not used byType autowiring for that bean.

Can we have two bean of same type in Spring?

When the Spring context contains multiple beans of the same type, Spring selects the bean whose name matches the name of the parameter. As we discussed for the parameter of the @Bean annotated method, I recommend avoiding relying on the name of the variable.

What type of Spring exception is raised when two or more bean implementing that interface in the context?

NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. Another similar cause for the bean creation exception is Spring trying to inject a bean by type, namely by its interface, and finding two or more beans implementing that interface in the context.

How do you Autowire multiple beans in Spring?

An example oriented tutorial on auto wiring and injecting references of multiple beans of a same type as a list, set or a map in Spring Framework.

  1. Setup Multiple Beans of Same Type.
  2. Inject Bean References as List.
  3. Inject Bean References as Set.
  4. Inject Bean References as Map.
  5. Sort and Inject Beans References as List.
  6. Summary.

Can we create two beans with same name?

Spring beans are identified by their names within an ApplicationContext. Thus, bean overriding is a default behavior that happens when we define a bean within an ApplicationContext which has the same name as another bean. It works by simply replacing the former bean in case of a name conflict.

How do you Autowire a particular bean if more than one bean of the same class type?

The default autowiring is by type, not by name, so when there is more than one bean of the same type, you have to use the @Qualifier annotation.

What are the limitations with Autowiring?

Limitations of autowiring are:

  • Overriding possibility: You can still specify dependencies using and settings which will always override autowiring.
  • Primitive data types: You cannot autowire so-called simple properties such as primitives, Strings, and Classes.

Can we have two beans with same name?

What happens when we Autowire an interface?

Dependency Injection has eased developer’s life. Earlier, we use to write factory methods to get objects of services and repositories. Now With help of Spring boot and Autowired annotation, we can inject dependency in any classes easily.

Can we Autowire an interface?

Can I configure bean class multiple times?

The class is created as a bean in the “WebAppConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter” class, which is where the constructor is called. I did some testing and found out that the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is loaded two or more times(By adding a println to its constructor).