Why Future Perfect Continuous has no passive?

Why Future Perfect Continuous has no passive?

Why Future Perfect Continuous has no passive?

We may not use passive voice in future continuous in order to avoid clumsiness in the sentences. The reason why a future continuous tense cannot be passivised is the predominance of modals, and the dangling participle in the active voice. They both are balanced by the copular verb “be”.

What is the passive form of future continuous?

Turning the future continuous tense into its passive voice change the verb from ‘will be … ing’ to ‘will be being + p.p.’ *Perfect participle (p.p.) = gone, done, seen, eaten etc. *Alternatively, the less common ‘(be) going to be being + p.p.’ can be used.

Is there future continuous tense in active and passive voice?

For Future Continuous, we cannot have Passive Voice….Future Continuous Active Passive Voice Rules.

Actice Voice Passive Voice
I will be playing football and cricket Not Applicable
I will be playing Not Applicable

Does perfect continuous tense have passive voice?

Most reference books say that the present perfect continuous tense has no passive form. Yet, at the same time, we have seen these sentences: ‘This building has been under construction for four months and has still not been completed yet….continuous forms of the passive.

Simple Continuous
Future Perfect: It will have been cleaned xxxx xxxx xxxx

Is there a passive voice for perfect continuous tense?

There is No Passive form for Perfect Continuous Tense (Present, Past and Future) and Future Continuous Tense. Note: keep in mind that it is not common in written English to change the active sentences from perfect progressive into passive sentences in written English, but they could be rarely changed in spoken English.

Is there perfect continuous tense in passive voice?

Most reference books say that the present perfect continuous tense has no passive form. Yet, at the same time, we have seen these sentences: ‘This building has been under construction for four months and has still not been completed yet. ‘…continuous forms of the passive.

Simple Continuous
Future Perfect: It will have been cleaned xxxx xxxx xxxx

What is rule of present perfect continuous tense in active and passive voice?

Perfect Continuous Active Passive Voice Rules

Tense Name Active Voice
Present Perfect Continuous Amit has been playing football
Past Perfect Continuous Amit had been playing football
Future Perfect Continuous Amit would have been playing football