Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal quizlet?

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal quizlet?

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal quizlet?

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal? It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.

Which of the following is an example of maintenance rehearsal?

An example of maintenance rehearsal would be repeating a phone number mentally, or aloud until the number is entered into the phone to make the call. The number is held in working memory long enough to make the call, but never transferred to long term memory.

What are the three circumstances under which confabulation is likely to take place?

What are the circumstances under which confabulation is likely to take place? You have thought, heard, or told others about the imagined event many times. The image of the event contains lots of details that make it feel real. The event is easy to imagine.

Which of the following is a difference between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal?

Maintenance rehearsal (also known as rote memorization) involves repeating information (out loud or in your head). Elaborative rehearsal is more elaborate and involves additional memory aids like mnemonic devices.

What is maintenance rehearsal?

repeating items over and over to maintain them in short-term memory, as in repeating a telephone number until it has been dialed (see rehearsal).

When would you use maintenance rehearsal?

Another kind of memory rehearsal is maintenance rehearsal, which is just temporarily maintaining the new information in the short-term memory and usually works by repetition. An example of this would be repeating a phone number to yourself several times when you know you will need to remember it in a minute or two.

What is the difference between lying and confabulation?

Confabulation is not lying. Confabulation differs from other forms of falsehood. Confabulators have no reason to tell a lie and don’t realize that they’re not telling the truth. Their brains simply filled in some missing spots with false information. Some people have called this “honest lying”.

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal?

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories? Elaborative is more effective than maintenance. Maintenance is more effective than elaborative. Both are equally effective in all learning circumstances.

What is maintenance in psychology?

What is a key difference between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal quizlet?

Maintenance rehearsal is the direct repetition of information in order to keep it active in short-term memory. Information can easily be lost (by interruption). Elaborative rehearsal is any form of rehearsal in which the information is related to other information, activates deeper and varied encoding processes.