What word describes INFJ?

What word describes INFJ?

What word describes INFJ?

Scoring as an INFJ means your personality type is best described as Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Sometimes referred to as the “Advocate” or the “Idealist,” people with this personality type often feel misunderstood.

What job is suitable for INFJ?

Often, INFJs choose careers in helping professions like health care, education, or counseling. INFJs are thinkers by nature and appreciate careers that allow them to use their intellect on problems that interest them.

What jobs should INFJ avoid?

Some of the other careers that INFJs should avoid are politics, finance, and the military. Considering their feeling (F) and introversion (I) traits, they’re not naturally keen on such rigid and intense jobs.

What makes INFJ so special?

As sensitive, intuitive people, INFJs have a sixth sense about others. Our finely tuned empathy means we can feel others’ feelings and we know when they’re not telling the truth. We have this ability to see through people’s outward persona to the real person underneath.

Are INFJs leaders or followers?

INFJs are not often considered to be leaders, but that is a bit of a misconception. They can be seen as the quiet dreamers, the ones who keep to themselves and don’t like being in the spotlight. While this is true, there are many other layers to the INFJ personality which makes them far more complex than just this.

What are INFJ eyes like?

What are INFJ eyes like? Once you look into an INFJ’s eyes, you can easily notice how intense their look tends to be. The look they give people they’re interested in is usually very intense, indicating their deep sense of curiosity. INFJs enjoy staring right in others’ eyes.

Are INFJ right or left brained?

People with the INFJ personality type show 49% of their pre-frontal activity on the left side of their brain, and 51% of their pre-frontal activity on the right side of their brain. INFJs (and INTJs) use a whole-brain, zen-like pattern regularly.