What should be included in an open house presentation?

What should be included in an open house presentation?

What should be included in an open house presentation?


  • 1) The skills they’re going to learn that year. Notice I didn’t say standards.
  • 2) Events, field trips, and fundraisers.
  • 3) Homework.
  • 4) Discipline.
  • 5) Details about your school.
  • 1) Homework.
  • 2) Your grading policies.
  • 3) How to help their student succeed in your class.

How can I make my kindergarten teacher fun?

50 classroom activities for kindergarten

  1. Create a digital greeting.
  2. Create a scratch art picture of spring.
  3. Learn about artist Piet Mondrian and color in his style.
  4. Initial sounds.
  5. Create a collage.
  6. Explore antonyms.
  7. Go on a shape hunt.
  8. Initial Sounds.

If your Open House is held several weeks after school starts, take photos or even videos of each child and integrate them into the presentation. Another option is to take a photo of—or scan in—something that each child has produced, whether it is artwork, a math problem, or a written product.

How do teachers prepare for an open house?

What You Need to Do BEFORE Open House:

  1. Arrange Desks and Assign Names/ Name Tags! Kids love to come in and see where they are sitting!
  2. Have your basic layout arranged so that the kids can get used to where everything is.
  3. LABEL important areas so they can get a feel for your classroom!
  4. Print out the following:

How can I make my PowerPoint presentation attractive to students?

9 Tips for Making Beautiful PowerPoint Presentations

  1. Use Layout to Your Advantage. Most Western languages read left to right, top to bottom.
  2. No Sentences.
  3. Follow the 6×6 Rule.
  4. Keep the Colors Simple.
  5. Use Sans-Serif Fonts.
  6. Stick to 30pt Font or Larger.
  7. Avoid Overstyling the Text.
  8. Choose the Right Images.

How do I create a catchy presentation in PowerPoint?

10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome

  1. Build your slides last.
  2. Don’t try to replace you.
  3. Use a consistent theme.
  4. More image, less text.
  5. One story per slide.
  6. Reveal one bullet at a time.
  7. Leave the fireworks to Disney.
  8. Use the 2/4/8 rule.

How do you have a successful school open house?

This should contain information about the following:

  1. The subjects covered during the school year.
  2. Learning goals and tips for each subject.
  3. The overall curriculum.
  4. Teacher information.
  5. A list of materials that students need for class.
  6. Important school contact information like phone numbers.

What do you talk about at meet the teacher night?

Briefly tell the parents and students about your education, how long you’ve been teaching, what you enjoy most about your job and maybe a bit of personal information like your hobbies outside of school and your family.

Why is a open house important for students?

Usually held right before school begins or the within the first two weeks of school, the open house gives parents and students the chance to get acquainted with the teacher (or teachers), see the school building and classrooms, and perhaps get a quick overview of class expectations and the year’s curriculum.

What are the five views of presentation?

The views in PowerPoint that you can use to edit, print, and deliver your presentation are as follows:

  • Normal view.
  • Slide Sorter view.
  • Notes Page view.
  • Outline view (Available in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac and newer versions)
  • Slide Show view.
  • Presenter view.
  • Master views: Slide, Handout, and Notes.

What makes a bad PowerPoint presentation?

If you venture too far from black on white with PowerPoint, you’re bound to end up with bad presentations. Poor contrast destroys readability and makes your presentations look amateur. As a rule, avoid dark text on dark backgrounds as well as light text on light backgrounds.

What is the Golden Rule of Power Point presentation?

Never have more than “X” slides in a presentation. Never have more than “X” bullet points. Never use bullet points at all.

How do you organize an open house event?

Here are a few quick tips to ensure your open house is an epic event that will keep your employees and clients talking for months and months:

  1. Set a date, and stick to it.
  2. Set a budget.
  3. Decide what you want to show off.
  4. Hire help.
  5. Spread the word!