What products are Box Tops for Education on?

What products are Box Tops for Education on?

What products are Box Tops for Education on?

Box Tops clips appear on select Big G cereals, such as Cheerios™, Total™ and Lucky Charms™. Families can clip Box Tops and send them to school, where they are submitted and redeemed for cash. The Box Tops for Education™ program doubles to include brands such as Pillsbury™, Old El Paso™ and Green Giant.

How much are Box Tops worth to schools?

10 cents
Each valid Box Tops is worth 10 cents to each enrolled and active school if the Box Tops is properly submitted in accordance with these Official Rules. Qualifying Clip Program products are subject to change.

Why did schools collect Box Tops?

Box Tops for Education was started by General Mills in California back in 1996, after the company decided they wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America’s schools.

Are expired Box Tops for Education any good?

DON’T turn in expired Box Tops. Unfortunately, that Box Top that you just found that expired in 2009 or even the one that expired at the end of last month DOESN’T COUNT. Box Tops generally expire on the first of the month. Be sure to get yours in EARLY so your coordinator has time to send them in before they expire.

Can I still submit Box Tops?

Can I still send in regular Box Tops clips? Yes! Keep clipping regular Box Tops and sending them to your schools as long as you continue to find them on packages. Your school will still get credit for all Box Tops validly submitted by your school’s coordinator.

Can I still send in Box Tops?

How do schools redeem Box Tops?

At its core, the Box Tops for Education program structure and purpose remain the same – to help schools get what they need. The main difference is how schools will earn – instead of clipping, checking expirations dates, bundling and submitting, all Box Tops will be earned digitally via receipt scan.