What length does timber come in?

What length does timber come in?

What length does timber come in?

Standard timber lengths are 2.4, 3.0, 3.6, 4.2, 4.8, 5.4 & 6.0m.

What lengths of timber can you buy?

Length. Timber is sold in various lengths that are multiples of 30cm (apx a foot). Most common are 1.8m, 2.4m & 3m (apx 6′, 8′ & 10′). Several longer sizes are also sold.

How many lengths of timber are there?

In most cases the metric system is used

Thickness ( shown as 1st dimension) x width in millimetres eg 47 x 100mm 63 x 250mm
Length of timber (muliples of 300mm or 0.3m) 0.3m , 0.6m, 0.9m, 1.2m, 1.5m, 1.8m, 2.1m, 2.4m, 2.7m, 3.0m , 3.3m, 3.6m, 4.2m, 4.5m, 4.8m, 5.1m, 5.4m, 6.0m, 6.6m, 7.2m, 7.8m, 8.4m

What are the lengths of wood?

The usual lengths are 8′, 10′, 12′, 14′, and 16′.

What is the standard length for timber UK?

The most common lengths vary between 2.7 m and 5.4 m in steps of 300 mm. Other lengths and modules must be agreed separately. Thickness and width dimensions mean the nominal sizes of the timber at a moisture content of 20%.

What lengths does 4×2 timber come in?

4×2 Timber lengths 100mm x 47mm x 2.4 metres. 100mm x 47mm x 3.0 metres. 100mm x 47mm x 3.6 metres. 100mm x 47mm x 4.2 meters.

What are standard lengths of timber UK?

What lengths does 4×2 come in?

4×2 Timber lengths 100mm x 47mm x 2.4 metres. 100mm x 47mm x 3.0 metres. 100mm x 47mm x 3.6 metres.

How is timber lengths measured?

Most timber is sold in 0.3m increments. This is a result of the timber industry traditionally using feet and inches and the subsequent metrification of the sale of timber. One foot is roughly 0.3m or 300mm.

What lengths do 2×4 come in?

In addition to the standard 8 foot length, you can also find 2×4 boards in 10, 12, 14 or even 16 foot sizes.

How long is a 4×2 timber?

4×2 Timber lengths 100mm x 47mm x 3.6 metres.