What is while loop and give example?
A “While” Loop is used to repeat a specific block of code an unknown number of times, until a condition is met. For example, if we want to ask a user for a number between 1 and 10, we don’t know how many times the user may enter a larger number, so we keep asking “while the number is not between 1 and 10”.
How does while loop work in JavaScript?
The JavaScript while statement creates a loop that executes a block as long as a condition evaluates to true . The while statement evaluates the expression before each iteration of the loop. If the expression evaluates to true , the while statement executes the statement . Otherwise, the while loop exits.
What is while loop explain with syntax?
Syntax. The syntax of a while loop in C programming language is − while(condition) { statement(s); } Here, statement(s) may be a single statement or a block of statements. The condition may be any expression, and true is any nonzero value. The loop iterates while the condition is true.
Why do we use while loops in JavaScript?
The most basic loop in JavaScript is the while loop which would be discussed in this chapter. The purpose of a while loop is to execute a statement or code block repeatedly as long as an expression is true. Once the expression becomes false, the loop terminates.
Where While loops are used?
The while loop in Python is used to iterate over a block of code as long as the test expression (condition) is true. We generally use this loop when we don’t know the number of times to iterate beforehand.
Why do we use while loop in JavaScript?
The purpose of a while loop is to execute a statement or code block repeatedly as long as an expression is true. Once the expression becomes false, the loop terminates.
How do you end a while loop in JavaScript?
You use the break statement to terminate a loop early such as the while loop or the for loop. If there are nested loops, the break statement will terminate the innermost loop. You can also use the break statement to terminate a switch statement or a labeled statement.
Where while loops are used?
Why do while loop is used?
Using the do-while loop, we can repeat the execution of several parts of the statements. The do-while loop is mainly used in the case where we need to execute the loop at least once. The do-while loop is mostly used in menu-driven programs where the termination condition depends upon the end user.