What is virtual destination?

What is virtual destination?

What is virtual destination?

Virtual Destinations allow us to create logical destinations that clients can use to produce and consume from but which map onto one or more physical destinations. It allows us to provide more flexible loosely coupled messaging configurations.

What is a virtual topic?

Virtual topics are a combination of topics and queues. Producers will write messages to a topic while listeners will consume from their own queue. ActiveMQ will copy and duplicate each message from the topic to the actual consumer queues.

What is ActiveMQ destination?

Destination Options are a way to provide extended configuration options to a JMS consumer without having to extend the JMS API. The options are encoded using URL query syntax in the destination name that the consumer is created on.

What is ActiveMQ topic?

What Is an ActiveMQ Topic? ActiveMQ topic is a pipeline of messages where a message comes in and goes to every subscriber.

What is a virtual tourism?

Virtual tourism is essentially a hybrid concept- it combines both the notions of virtual reality and tourism. In essence, virtual tourism facilitates a tourism experience, without actually having to travel anywhere. Virtual tourism takes many different forms and comes in vary degrees of technological capability.

How does a virtual tour work?

Technically speaking (here comes the jargon): A 360 Virtual Tour is a collection of 360-degree panoramic rotating images, “stitched” together to form a full, 360° view of a location. Special cameras, lenses, technology, and methods are used to bring a tour together into a visual experience for the viewer.

How do I use ActiveMQ?

A Short ActiveMQ and JMS Tutorial

  1. Step 1: Download and start ActiveMQ.
  2. Step 2: Download the JMS Example file.
  3. Step 4: Open three additional console windows.
  4. Step 3: Do the Maven Install.
  5. Step 4: Start the JMS Consumers and Producer for Topic-based Messaging.
  6. Step 5: Send JMS messages to the Topic.

What is Apache ActiveMQ Artemis?

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis is an asynchronous messaging system, an example of Message Oriented Middleware , we’ll just call them messaging systems in the remainder of this book.

How do I add a destination in ActiveMQ?

In ActiveMQ you do not have to create destinations up front before you can use them. The ActiveMQ broker auto-creates the physical resources associated with a destination on demand (i.e. when messages are sent to a new destination on a broker). and the broker will automatically create the physical destinations for you.

Why is ActiveMQ used?

Like any other message broker, ActiveMQ is used as a communication bridge between multiple components that can be hosted on separate servers or can be written in different programming languages. Message brokers like this one are often found in enterprise systems — or any systems that have a complex architecture.

What is the role of virtual worlds in travel?

Travellers will increasingly explore their next holiday in virtual worlds, allowing them to check out new cities, attractions and even the view from their hotel room before booking, a tourism conference has heard.

What are virtual destinations?

Virtual Destinations allow us to create logical destinations that clients can use to produce and consume from but which map onto one or more physical destinations. It allows us to provide more flexible loosely coupled messaging configurations.

What is the difference between virtual and composite destinations?

For example when a message is sent to queue A you may want to forward it also to queues B and C and topic D. Composite destinations are then a mapping from a virtual destination to a collection of other physical destinations. In this case the mapping is broker side and the client is unaware of the mapping between the destinations.

Where can I go on a virtual tour of the world?

Or you can explore the Statue of Liberty, the Sahara Desert, Niagara Falls, or even a guided tour of the Eiffel Tower. For even more virtual tours, search your bucket list of adventures with AirPano, Google Earth, or YouTube.

How do I create a virtual destination in ActiveMQ?

From Apache ActiveMQ 4.2 onwards you can now use selectors to define virtual destinations. You may wish to create a virtual destination which forwards messages to multiple destinations but applying a selector first to decide if the message really does have to go to a particular destination.
