What is user details service in Spring Security?

What is user details service in Spring Security?

What is user details service in Spring Security?

The UserDetailsService interface is used to retrieve user-related data. It has one method named loadUserByUsername() which can be overridden to customize the process of finding the user. It is used by the DaoAuthenticationProvider to load details about the user during authentication.

What is an Antmatcher?

The antMatchers() is a Springboot HTTP method used to configure the URL paths from which the Springboot application security should permit requests based on the user’s roles. The antmatchers() method is an overloaded method that receives both the HTTP request methods and the specific URLs as its arguments.

What is @PreAuthorize in spring boot?

Spring Security provides method level security using @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize annotations. This is expression-based access control. The @PreAuthorize can check for authorization before entering into method. The @PreAuthorize authorizes on the basis of role or the argument which is passed to the method.

What is Spring ACL?

Spring Security Access Control List is a Spring component which supports Domain Object Security. Simply put, Spring ACL helps in defining permissions for specific user/role on a single domain object – instead of across the board, at the typical per-operation level.

What is authorization and authentication?

Simply put, authentication is the process of verifying who someone is, whereas authorization is the process of verifying what specific applications, files, and data a user has access to. The situation is like that of an airline that needs to determine which people can come on board.

What is user details service?

The UserDetailsService is a core interface in Spring Security framework, which is used to retrieve the user’s authentication and authorization information. This interface has only one method named loadUserByUsername() which we can implement to feed the customer information to the Spring security API.

What is spring boot AuthenticationManager?

What Is the AuthenticationManager? Simply put, the AuthenticationManager is the main strategy interface for authentication. If the principal of the input authentication is valid and verified, AuthenticationManager#authenticate returns an Authentication instance with the authenticated flag set to true.

Why is it called antMatcher?

The term comes from the archaic build system, Apache Ant. In Ant paths were matched against a simple pattern containing * symbols meaning any string, and ** meaning ‘recursive’ descending any number of directories/folders.

What is the difference between Antmatchers and Mvcmatchers?

antMatcher(String antPattern) – Allows configuring the HttpSecurity to only be invoked when matching the provided ant pattern. mvcMatcher(String mvcPattern) – Allows configuring the HttpSecurity to only be invoked when matching the provided Spring MVC pattern.