What is Tkprof in Oracle?

What is Tkprof in Oracle?

What is Tkprof in Oracle?

TKPROF determines execution plans by issuing the EXPLAIN PLAN statement after connecting to Oracle with the user and password specified in this parameter. The specified user must have CREATE SESSION system privileges. TKPROF takes longer to process a large trace file if the EXPLAIN option is used. RECORD.

What does Tkprof stand for?

the Transient Kernel PROFile
Answer: TKPROF stands for the Transient Kernel PROFile, set via the sql_trace parameter, and used to format a trace file into readable form.

How do I trace a concurrent request and generate Tkprof file?

In this article, let’s see how to enable a trace for a concurrent program and generate tkprof.

  1. Go to concurrent program definition and enable trace.
  2. Run Concurrent Program.
  3. Find Trace file path.
  4. Get the name of the trace file.
  5. Format Trace file using TKPROF.

How Tkprof will help to increase the performance?

TKPROF will help to Increase the Performance by: You can use TKPROF to receive more information about a faulty query. TKPROF records the resources used by each statement, as well as the number of times it was called and the number of rows it processed.

What is a trace file in Oracle?

Background thread trace files are created and stored in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) directory specified by the parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST in the initialization parameter file. Oracle Database creates a different trace file for each foreground and background thread.

How do I enable trace for a concurrent request in r12?

Concurrent Program Definition:

  1. Choose an appropriate responsibility and select the Concurrent > Program > Define screen.
  2. Search for the concurrent program you want to trace.
  3. Check the Enable Trace box to turn on tracing for the concurrent program.
  4. Submit and run the concurrent program.

Which types of events are recorded in an alert log?

The alert log is a chronological log of messages and errors, and includes the following items: All internal errors ( ORA-00600 ), block corruption errors ( ORA-01578 ), and deadlock errors ( ORA-00060 ) that occur.

How does tkprof work in SQL Server?

If the specified table already exists, then TKPROFdeletes all rows in the table, uses it for the EXPLAINPLANstatement (which writes more rows into the table), and then deletes those rows. If this table does not exist, then TKPROFcreates it, uses it, and then drops it.

What is the tkprof program?

The TKPROF program converts Oracle trace files into a more readable form. If you have a problem query you can user TKPROF to get more information. To get the most out of the utility you must enable timed statistics by setting the init.ora parameter or performing the following command.

What is the result of the sample tkprof output?

In “Sample TKPROF Output”, the statement resulted in one library cache miss for the parse step and no misses for the execute step. Statement Truncation in SQL Trace The following SQL statements are truncated to 25 characters in the SQL Trace file: SET ROLE GRANT ALTER USER ALTER ROLE CREATE USER CREATE ROLE

Why does tkprof report the same resource twice?

With the SQL Trace facility enabled, TKPROFreports these resources twice. Avoid trying to tune the DML statement if the resource is actually being consumed at a lower level of recursion.