What is the Zarit Burden Inventory?

What is the Zarit Burden Inventory?

What is the Zarit Burden Inventory?

The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI, 22-item) is one of the most commonly used instruments to assess caregiving burden in clinical and research settings. The ZBI was originally developed to assess burden among caregivers of community-dwelling persons with dementia.

What is the caregiver burden scale?

The Caregiver Burden Scale is a simple instrument composed of 22 questions grouped into five dimensions (general tension, isolation, disappointment, emotional involvement and environment), covering important areas for caregivers, such as health, mental wellbeing, personal relationships, physical overload, social …

What are the types of caregiver burden?

Results: Five types of subjective burden were measured by the Caregiver Burden Inventory, namely, physical burden, emotional burden, time-dependence burden, developmental burden, and social burden.

Why is caregiver burden important?

High levels of caregiver burden are associated with caregivers developing their own health problems and even an increased risk of death. There are ways of reducing caregiver burden, but many are hesitant to acknowledge the pressure they are under and refuse to accept outside help.

What is the modified caregiver strain index?

BEST TOOL: The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (MCSI) is a tool that can be used to quickly screen for caregiver strain with long-term family caregivers. It is a 13-question tool that measures strain related to care provision.

What is care burden?

Burden of care is a concept emerging in the literature that describes the physical, emotional, social, and financial problems that can be experienced by family caregivers.

What is objective caregiver burden?

Objective caregiver burden is comprised of those tasks required to care for the client, whereas subjective caregiver burden indicates the extent to which the caregiver “minds” performing these tasks.

How do you treat a caregiver burden?

To help manage caregiver stress:

  1. Accept help.
  2. Focus on what you are able to provide.
  3. Set realistic goals.
  4. Get connected.
  5. Join a support group.
  6. Seek social support.
  7. Set personal health goals.
  8. See your doctor.

How is caregiver strain measured?

Scoring is 2 points for each ‘yes’, 1 point for each ‘sometimes’, and 0 for each ‘no’ response. Scoring ranges from 26 to 0; a higher score indicates a higher level of caregiver strain (Travis et al., 2003; Thornton & Travis, 2003).

What is carer strain?

Caregiver role strain is experienced when a caregiver feels overwhelmed and is unable to perform their role to the best of their ability. It’s accompanied by feelings of stress and anxiety. There are many situations that can cause caregiver role strain to occur.