What is the synonym for Twitter?

What is the synonym for Twitter?

What is the synonym for Twitter?

In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for twitter, like: chirp, titter, tweet, tremble, vibrate, coo, flutter, quake, quaver, shake and shiver.

What is the antonym of Twitter?

What is the opposite of twitter?

appease placate
soothe be quiet

Is Twitter a real word?

The first known use of twitter was in the 14th century.

What is the original meaning of Twitter?

The definition was “a short burst of inconsequential information”, and “chirps from birds”. And that’s exactly what the product was. The first Twitter prototype, developed by Dorsey and contractor Florian Weber, was used as an internal service for Odeo employees.

What warble means?

1 : to sing in a trilling manner or with many turns and variations. 2 : to become sounded with trills, quavers, and rapid modulations in pitch. 3 : sing.

What is the synonym of chirp?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for chirp, like: twitter, warble, tweet, cheep, trill, lilt, quaver, pipe, roll, purl and call.

What does Twitter mean in British slang?

British Dictionary definitions for twitter (1 of 2) twitter. / (ˈtwɪtə) / verb. (intr) (esp of a bird) to utter a succession of chirping sounds. (intr) to talk or move rapidly and tremulously.

What is Twitter meant for?

What is Twitter? Twitter is a service for friends, family, and coworkers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People post Tweets, which may contain photos, videos, links, and text.

What is Twitter named after?

Larry Bird
Twitter was launched in 2006. But there still are many people who do not know that its logo — a bird — has a name. It’s Larry T Bird. The inspiration behind the name was Larry Bird, the basketball legend who was in Mumbai recently for the NBA games.

What does trill mean in slang?

is genuine and authentic
Trill is a blend of true and real, used in hip-hop slang for someone or something that is genuine and authentic.