What is the portal Newgrounds?

What is the portal Newgrounds?

What is the portal Newgrounds?

The Art Portal on Newgrounds is a section which was added to the animation site in 2009 for uploading quality art. It does not have a blam/protect system, but relies on selection by other artists who have already been scouted for the Art Portal.

Why is Newgrounds banned?

Review Bans Users may be banned from reviewing site content if they violate one or more of the guidelines set forth for reviewers, such as making derogatory comments to the author, spamming, or other major violations of review guidelines.

What is the Newgrounds audio portal?

Newgrounds Wiki: Audio The Audio Portal is intended for artists to submit their original music or voice work. It is not intended for sharing music by other people. When you submit a piece of audio to Newgrounds, it instantly becomes available on your user page and the Unscouted Artists listing.

Is Newgrounds kid friendly?

The site’s legal terms stipulate that kids 13-17 are supposed to have parental permission to join the site, and anyone under 18 is banned (in theory) from looking at the Adult Features section, but there’s no real safeguard to ensure those rules are followed.

Where is Newgrounds banned?

Newgrounds is banned in Turkey.

Can you use copyrighted music on Newgrounds?

Newgrounds does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on its Website, and Newgrounds will remove all Content and User Submissions if properly notified that such Content or User Submission infringes on another’s intellectual property rights.

Can you upload copyrighted music to Newgrounds?

You aren’t allowed to have ANY copyrighted samples in your song. Not even a millisecond. Movie quotes, game sound effects, acapellas of popular singers, etc. have a VERY good chance of being copyrighted. You may not upload a cover or remix of an unlicensed commercial song.

How old do you have to be to join Newgrounds?

Anyone under the age of 18 must have explicit consent from a parent or guardian to use Newgrounds.

Can Newgrounds give viruses?

No, Newgrounds does not give people viruses.