What is the most common evaporator design?

What is the most common evaporator design?

What is the most common evaporator design?

Finned Tube It is the most widely used type of evaporator. These particular metals are chosen because of their heat transfer abilities and cost. The fins absorb the heat moving across them (convection) and, through conduction, transfer the heat to the copper.

What is the formula of evaporator capacity?

Explanation: Economy of an evaporator is defined as, E = Capacity/Consumption = (30/45) x 100 = 66.7 = 67%. 4. What is the Evaporator Consumption if we evaporate 10kg of water from a feed of 50kg at a temperature of 25℃ to a final temperature of 100℃ in an hour? Hence the Evaporator Consumption = 20kg/hr.

Which factors should be considered in designing of evaporator?

Factors to be considered while designing an evaporator:

  • Thermal Considerations :
  • Mechanical Considerations:
  • Diameter of the down take:
  • Diameter required for vapor inlet & Diameter of the Calendria in radial steam/vapor entry.
  • Diameter of the condensate line:
  • Noxious gases connections:
  • Vapour shell thickness:

How do you calculate the economy of an evaporator?

The goal is to increase the steam economy of the evaporator system….Steam Economy Calculation

  1. F = mass of feed (water fed into the evaporator)
  2. P = mass of product (water left into the evaporator that did not evaporate)
  3. E = mass of water evaporated (collected as condensate)

Why does most evaporator designs are made vertical?

The outstanding advantage of all, however, is unique to vertical tube evaporators, that is the ability to make use of fluted tubes. This innovation more than doubles the performance of the tubes, so that major savings are achieved both in heat transfer surface and in the evaporator shells that house them.

How is evaporator length calculated?

If the evaporator must move 400 gallons per minute: 14 x 400 = 5,600. Multiply the answer by 500: 5,600 x 500 = 2,800,000. This answer is the evaporator’s size, measured in BTUs per hour. Divide the answer by 12,000: 2,800,000 / 12,000 = 233.33.

What is evaporative capacity?

Steam pressure produced. kg of fuel fired. kg of steam produced per kg of fuel fifed.

What is evaporator efficiency?

Thermal efficiency of evaporators The measure of thermal efficiency of an evaporator train is called the steam economy (unit of water evaporated per unit of steam used) and the steam economy is directly related to the number of thermal effect in the train. Modern evaporators typically have 6 or 7 thermal effects.

How do you calculate the heat transfer of an evaporator?

  1. Heat balance. Heat available per kg of steam. = latent heat + sensible heat in cooling to 91°C. = 2.164 x 106 + 4.186 x 103(134 – 91)
  2. Heat-transfer area. Temperature of condensing steam = 134°C. Temperature difference across the evaporator = (134 – 91) = 43°C.
  3. Heat balance.

How do you calculate the number of tubes in an evaporator?

Number of tubes (N ): Number of tubes = Heating surface / π x Dm x L. The thickness of the tube generally take for juice heaters and for evaporator 18G and for pans take 16G. ( 18g = 1.22mm , 16g = 1.625mm, 14g = 1.8mm).

How can we increase the efficiency of an evaporator?

The primary means of increasing the steam economy of an evaporator is to reuse the latent heat of the water vapor. A multiple-effect evaporator uses the water vapor from one effect as the heating medium for the next effect, which operates at a lower boiling point.