What is the function of lncRNA?

What is the function of lncRNA?

What is the function of lncRNA?

lncRNAs are a new class of epigenetic regulators that play important roles in epigenetic regulation. lncRNAs regulate epigenetic modification primarily in the nucleus, regulating gene transcription at the transcriptional level by modulating histone or DNA modification, primarily methylation and acetylation.

What does lncRNA bind to?

Similar to this inhibition mechanism, GAS5 lncRNA acts as a decoy RNA by binding to the DNA binding domain of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), inhibiting GR’s DNA binding and transcriptional activation activity (121).

Does lncRNA code for proteins?

CONCLUSION. Overall, various tools have been developed to aid in the study of putative lncRNAs that are protein coding. Some lncRNA-encoded micropeptides have been demonstrated to be key regulators of vital cell functions like muscle development, metabolism, and cell signaling in vivo (Table 1).

What is the difference between mRNA and lncRNA?

Differences in the structure and sequence between mRNA and lncRNA. The mRNA primary coding sequence (CDS) plays a significant role in the translation, while lncRNAs regulate target gene expression through the interactions between their higher-order structures and major partner proteins.

How does lncRNA regulate gene expression?

Gene expression is regulated by lncRNAs at multiple levels. By interacting with DNA, RNA and proteins, lncRNAs can modulate chromatin structure and function and the transcription of neighbouring and distant genes, and affect RNA splicing, stability and translation.

How are lncRNA formed?

These elements are transcribed as ncRNAs by RNAP III in response to environmental stresses such as heat shock, where they then bind to RNAP II with high affinity and prevent the formation of active pre-initiation complexes. This allows for the broad and rapid repression of gene expression in response to stress.

How does lncRNA regulate?

Gene regulation by lncRNAs. Gene expression is regulated by lncRNAs at multiple levels. By interacting with DNA, RNA and proteins, lncRNAs can modulate chromatin structure and function and the transcription of neighbouring and distant genes, and affect RNA splicing, stability and translation.

How many lncRNA are there?

LncRNAs are transcripts that are over 200 nucleotides long and lack any predicted coding potential. Presently, lncRNAs have been identified in all model organisms and between 30,000 and 60,000 human lncRNAs have been reported in recent lncRNA annotations3,4.

Where is lncRNA found?

Within the nucleus, lncRNas are detected in nucleoli, chromatin speckles and paraspeckles, whereas in the cytoplasm they are found in mitochondria, ribosomes, extracellular membranes and exosomes (Carlevaro-Fita and Johnson, 2019).

What is a lncRNA gene?

Long intergenic non-coding RNA (lincRNA) genes have diverse features that distinguish them from mRNA-encoding genes and exercise functions such as remodelling chromatin and genome architecture, RNA stabilization and transcription regulation, including enhancer-associated activity.

How does lncRNA affect gene expression?