What is the difference between a lease and a licence UK?

What is the difference between a lease and a licence UK?

What is the difference between a lease and a licence UK?

What is a licence? Unlike a lease, a licence is simply a personal, contractual permission to occupy property. It does not confer any property rights and cannot be bought and sold. Crucially, a licence provides no security of tenure, so the licensee occupies entirely at the pleasure of the licensor.

What is a licence to occupy UK?

A Licence to Occupy (Licence) is a personal agreement between a property owner (Licensor) and an occupier (Licensee). Under a Licence the Licensor provides the Licensee with the non-exclusive possession of a property for a period of time, typically 6 or 12 months. In return the Licensee pays the Licensor a licence fee.

What is a licence to occupy NZ?

A licence to occupy, which is often referred to as an occupation right agreement (or ORA), confers on a person the right to occupy a unit within a retirement village in New Zealand.

Is a licence to occupy the same as a lease?

Unlike a lease, a licence does not grant the tenant ‘exclusive possession’ of the property. A licence is merely a right to occupy. Leases provide the tenant with more flexibility in terms of their enjoyment of land and any alterations which they may wish to make.

When would you use a license to occupy?

What is a licence to occupy? A licence is a personal right or permission for a party to use, or ‘occupy’, a property. More specifically, a licence to ‘occupy’ is essentially permission for one party to do something on another party’s property. It is, by its very definition, not a lease.

What is the difference between a licence to occupy and a tenancy agreement?

Tenancy or licence? Your renting agreement with your landlord is either a tenancy or a licence. The main difference between a tenancy and a licence is that a tenancy usually gives you more protection from eviction. You do not have a licence or a tenancy just because the landlord says that’s what you have.

What is the difference between a lease and a licence to occupy?

How do you get a license to occupy?

How to apply for a LTO remission. All retirement villages and Papakāinga housing which have signed up for the scheme will provide application forms to their residents. Complete the LTO remission application form. Contact us on 09 301 0101 to discuss your application or to request an application form.

Does a licence to occupy need to be signed as a deed?

No need for deed or wet ink: Other documents which do not need to be by deed and do not require a wet ink signature, can be executed using electronic signature and these include: licences to occupy, a short lease of 3 years or less (where there are no easements to be registered), or a landlord’s consent for example.

Can I be evicted on a licence agreement?

A license agreement in relation to residential premises provides the licensee with protection from eviction [3], this means that before the licensee can be lawfully evicted the licensor must obtain a possession order. However, a license agreement is not to be confused with an excluded license agreement.

What’s a license to occupy?

A license to occupy is a type of agreement that allows someone to occupy a property. Other types that retirement villages use include unit title, cross lease, rental (similar to residential tenancy and lease for life (you have a lease for a unit or property in the village until you die or leave the village).

Can you assign a licence to occupy?

In particular, a licence is simply a personal, contractual permission for the licensee to do something – in this context to occupy land. A licence does not confer any proprietorial rights, it cannot be assigned and it does not survive any change in the ownership of the freehold/superior interest.