What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Northern Ireland?

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Northern Ireland?

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Northern Ireland?

−18.7 °C
Lowest temperature by nation

Constituent country Temperature Date
Scotland −27.2 °C (−17.0 °F) 30 December 1995
England −26.1 °C (−15.0 °F) 10 January 1982
Wales −23.3 °C (−9.9 °F) 21 January 1940
Northern Ireland −18.7 °C (−1.7 °F) 24 December 2010

What is the hottest it’s ever been in Northern Ireland?

Meanwhile, the highest temperature on record was 31.3°C, recorded on 21 July at Castlederg in Co Tyrone. Before July, the previous highest Northern Ireland temperature of 30.8C was recorded on 12 July 1983 and 30 June 30 1976.

Where is the coldest place in Northern Ireland?

Climate. Katesbridge is often noted in weather reports as the coldest location on the island of Ireland as well as within the United Kingdom. This is due to its status as a ‘frost hollow’, a low-lying location relative to its surroundings which allows the colder air to settle.

What was the hottest day in Northern Ireland 2021?

21 July
Hot summer A new record of 31.3C was set on 21 July beating the previous record of 31.2C set just days earlier at Ballywatticock in County Down on 17 July. Armagh city almost beat that with a higher temperature of 31.4C on 22 July.

What is the hottest day recorded in the UK?

What are the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the UK?

  • Cambridge Botanic Garden, East Anglia: 38.725 (July 2019)
  • Faversham, South East England: 38.510 (August 2003)
  • Cheltenham, Midlands: 37.13 (August 1990)
  • Cranwell, East and North East England: 36.325 (July 2019)

Where is the most extreme weather on earth?

Death Valley
Death Valley, USA Appropriately named Furnace Creek sits smack dab in the heart of the Death Valley National Park in California. Currently, it holds the record for the highest recorded air temperature on earth – a sizzling 134 F (57 C), which was felt way back in 1913.

What is the wettest place in Northern Ireland?

Rainfall in Northern Ireland varies widely, with the wettest places being in the Sperrin, Antrim and Mourne Mountains. The highest areas have average annual totals of about 1600 mm, which is about half that of the English Lake District or the western Highlands of Scotland.