What is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin 500mg used for?

What is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin 500mg used for?

What is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin 500mg used for?

About ciprofloxacin It is used to treat serious infections, or infections when other anitbiotics have not worked. It’s used to treat bacterial infections, such as: chest infections (including pneumonia) skin and bone infections.

What is ciprofloxacin 500mg used for urine infection?

This medication is used to treat kidney or urinary tract infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections.

Why would a doctor prescribe ciprofloxacin?

Ciprofloxacin is used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. Ciprofloxacin oral liquid and tablets are also used to treat anthrax infection after inhalational exposure. This medicine is also used to treat and prevent plague (including pneumonic and septicemic plague).

Does ciprofloxacin make you pee a lot?

This medication may rarely cause serious changes in blood sugar levels, especially if you have diabetes. Watch for symptoms of high blood sugar including increased thirst and urination. Ciprofloxacin may increase the blood sugar-lowering effects of the medication glyburide.

What foods should be avoided when taking ciprofloxacin?

Do not take ciprofloxacin with dairy products such as milk or yogurt, or with calcium-fortified foods (e.G., cereal, juice). You may eat or drink dairy products or calcium-fortified foods with a regular meal, but do not use them alone when taking ciprofloxacin. They could make the medication less effective.

How quickly does ciprofloxacin work?

Official Answer. Although ciprofloxacin starts working within hours of taking it, you may not notice an improvement in your symptoms for 2 to 3 days. For some infections, such as osteomyelitis (a bone infection), it may take up to a week before you show any improvement.

Are eggs OK with Cipro?

We also suggest that, egg yolk is the ideal matrix for ciprofloxacin residue monitoring in eggs and after twenty days from the day of treatment, ciprofloxacin residue depletes to its undetectable level and biomolecules returns to their normal concentration.