What is the answer to number 20 on the impossible quiz 2?
Question 20 of The Impossible Quiz says “Deal or no deal?”, referencing the game show “Deal or No Deal”. The possible choices are “Deal!”, “No deal!”, “Seal!”, “No seal!” The answer is “Seal!”, which is a better answer than “Deal!”, since in these cases what people do is to “seal the deal”.
What is the answer to question 52 on the impossible quiz 2?
Question 52 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains nothing but a single, dusty, golden genie lamp. There is no task or bomb on screen, and there are no other interactive objects on the screen, so you don’t have to worry about losing lives here since it’s a safe question.
What is the answer to number 25 on the impossible quiz 2?
Question 25 of The Impossible Quiz says “How do you kill a werewolf?”, and the possible answers say “Shoe polish”, “Gravy granules”, “Black pudding”, and “Cillit Bang”. The answer to this question is “shoe polish”.
What is the answer to number 21 on the impossible quiz 2?
The only way for you to get the answer you’re looking for is to look at the question number. It’s a 21 with a dot right next to it. All you have to do then is to drag the dot into the small space between the 2 and the 1, thus creating “2.1”.
What is the answer to question 53 on the impossible Quiz 2?
Seemingly, there is no arrow on sight, so it could really be any of the options, especially the third one, since it says exactly what the question tells you to click. But in reality, the answer is actually none of the above! To pass this question, you have to click an actual arrow.
What is the answer to number 27 on The Impossible Quiz 2?
The new Question 27 asks “How many times can you fit into a vacuum?”. The options you’re given are “Once”, “Thrice”, “Twice” and “Life is a vacuum”. The correct answer is “Twice”, as that’s how many times the letter “u” (you) appears in the word “vacuum”.