What is synopsis exam?

What is synopsis exam?

What is synopsis exam?

In this type of exam, prior to the oral exam, the student writes a synopsis of a limited number of pages – usually about 5 pages. This synopsis is then the starting point for the oral examination, which begins with the student’s in-depth analysis of the question addressed in the synopsis.

What is online examination system introduction?

Online Examination System is a technology-driven way to simplify examination activities like defining exam patterns with question banks, defining exam timer, objective/ subjective question sections, conducting exams using the computer or mobile devices in a paperless manner.

What is the purpose of online examination system?

The purpose of the online examination system is to test the subject knowledge of the students. Such a system eliminates logistical hassles and drawbacks in the traditional mode of the pen-and-paper examination.

How do you write an exam synopsis?

A synopsis must have the following headings: TITLE: Should reflect the objectives of the study. It must be written after the whole synopsis has been written so that it is a true representative of the plan (i.e. the synopsis). INTRODUCTION: Should contain brief background of the selected topic.

What are the advantages of online examination?


  • Environmentally friendly. One of the biggest, yet indirect advantages of online examinations is the impact it has on the environment.
  • Saves you money. Online examinations also save you money in so many ways.
  • Saves time, big time.
  • Plugged into technology.
  • More secure, less cheating.
  • It’s convenient.

What are the objectives of examination?

2. -(1) The objective of the examination is to assess the extent to which the student has achieved the academic objectives stipulated for the subjects/subject elements of the programme in the curriculum.

What is the importance of online education?

Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own learning pace, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone’s agenda. As a result, using an online educational platform allows for a better balance of work and studies, so there’s no need to give anything up.