What is SRO ESIC?

What is SRO ESIC?

What is SRO ESIC?

Sub-Regional Office (S.R.O.)

Who is the CEO of ESIC?

Shri Mukhmeet S. Bhatia, IAS took over the charge of Director General of Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) under Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India at its Headquarters today in New Delhi. Shri Bhatia is an IAS Officer of 1990 batch of Jharkhand cadre.

Can ESIC be transferred?

ESIC contribution transfer form is used to transfer ESIC contribution of an insured person from one ESIC IP number to another ESIC IP number. This form generally required when the same person has two ESI numbers.

What documents are required for ESIC registration?

Following Documents required for Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESI) Registration

  • Copy of pan of company/partnership/firm.
  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation / Registration certificate.
  • Copy of Bank Statement.
  • Copy of all licenses issued in the name of establishment.
  • A cancelled cheque.
  • Copy of electricity Bill.

How many ESIC branches are there in India?

Branch Office

S.No. Branch Name Email Id
1 Auto nagar bo[hyphen]vijayawada[dot]ap[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
2 Visakhapatnam bo[hyphen]visakhapatnam[dot]ap[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
3 Gajuwaka bo[hyphen]gajuwaka[dot]ap[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in
4 Chittivalasa bo[hyphen]chittivalasa[dot]ap[at]esic[dot]nic[dot]in

What is ESIC full form?

Employees’ State Insurance Scheme.

Is ESIC under Central Government?

ESIC gets award for best autonomous body (Central Government) under ‘India Pride Awards’. The ESI Corporation received the ‘India Pride Award’ for the best autonomous body category. The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt.

Can we have 2 ESI card?

when your generating ESI Challan at time you need Paste and import from last company. Dear Mandeep, If any employee have get smart card one time, he can not apply again for smart card with different Insurance number, So its solution is that you can register him in ESIC with his previous insurance numbers.
