What is school health Programme in Nepal?

What is school health Programme in Nepal?

What is school health Programme in Nepal?

The School Health and Nutrition (SHN) program is a cost-effective intervention for resource-poor countries. SHN program aims to provide timely support and preventive measures to improve the health of school children, which can be associated with their cognitive development, learning, and academic performance.

What is school health Programme?

School Health Programme (SHP) refers to all the aspects of the total school programme which contribute to the understanding, maintenance and improvement of the health of the population, i.e. school children and staff.

When was school health program started in Nepal?

June 2006
Ministry of Health and Population and Ministry of Education, the Government of Nepal, jointly prepared and endorsed the National School Health and Nutrition Strategy in June 2006.

What are school feeding Programmes?

School feeding and health programmes empower girls by dissuading parents from marrying them off early, which halts their education and can result in child pregnancies. School feeding programmes act as an incentive for families to enrol and keep children in school.

What is the importance of school health program?

The overall objective of the school health programme is to ensure that every child is as healthy as possible so that he can obtain the full benefit from his education.

What are the objectives of school health Programme?

The objectives of SHP are to enhance health awareness and skill building among school children through healthy environment, disease prevention and health promotion, and recognizing the child as a change agent in the family.

What are the benefits of school feeding program?

Benefits of Feeding Programs

  • They promote the health and development of children.
  • It improves concentration and educational performance in school.
  • It provides support to the children’s parents and guardians.
  • The programs also promote farmers and local vendors.
  • It helps the community rise above poverty.

Who introduced school feeding program?

The school feeding programme, which was introduced by the government in 2016, was according to the government, aimed at establishing “a safety net for the poor, increasing enrollment, and eradicating malnutrition in school-age children while also stimulating the national agricultural economy.”

What are the aims and objectives of school health Programme?

What is scope of school health programme?

School Health Programme will yield following benefits to the country: Reduction in drop out rate Enhancement of quality of education and learning outcomes Improvement in health conditions of young population Disease control and an overall improvement in health conditions in the society at large.