What is RefersToRange in VBA?

What is RefersToRange in VBA?

What is RefersToRange in VBA?

The RefersToRange method: Returns the Range object referred to by a Name object. For example, let’s say I want to read the values only in the print area of the current worksheet.

How do I set a range Value in VBA?

To set a cell range’s value with VBA, follow these steps:

  1. Identify and return a Range object representing the cell range whose value you want to set (CellRange).
  2. Set the cell range’s value with the Range. Value or Range. Value2 property (ValueOrValue2 = CellRangeValue).

What does .Value mean in VBA?

Not all VBA methods can be used with all types of references. For example, the “Value” method tells Excel to store a value in a relevant cell, or an array of values in a relevant range. If you stored a range of values in a variable, you cannot use the value method to attach that array to a single cell.

How do I set a range value in Excel?

Follow these steps to change the range reference:

  1. On the Ribbon, click the Formulas tab.
  2. Click Name Manager.
  3. In the list, click on the name that you want to change.
  4. In the Refers To box, change the range reference, or drag on the worksheet, to select the new range.
  5. Click the check mark, to save the change.

Do loops exit until?


Term Definition
statements Optional. One or more statements that are repeated while, or until, condition is True .
Continue Do Optional. Transfers control to the next iteration of the Do loop.
Exit Do Optional. Transfers control out of the Do loop.
Loop Required. Terminates the definition of the Do loop.

How do I create a dynamic macro?

Use Dynamic Ranges in Pivot Tables

  1. Select a cell in the database.
  2. Choose Data | PivotTable and PivotChart Report.
  3. Select ‘Microsoft Excel List or Database’, click Next.
  4. For the range, type myData , then click Next.
  5. Click the Layout button.
  6. Drag field buttons to the row, column and data areas.
  7. Click OK, then click Finish.

What is a dynamic macro?

A Confluence macro that loads remote content as an iframe. Dynamic Content Macros render content on every page request and are suitable for add-ons that need to display content that changes over time, that calls for dynamic interaction, or that is specific to the authenticated user.