What is pristane induced lupus?

What is pristane induced lupus?

What is pristane induced lupus?

Tetramethylpentadecane (TMPD, or commonly known as pristane)-induced lupus is a murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Renal disease and autoantibody production strictly depend on signaling through the interferon (IFN)-I receptor.

What is pristane used for?

It is used as a lubricant, a transformer oil, an immunologic adjuvant, and an anti-corrosion agent, biological marker, plasmocytomas inducer and in production of monoclonal antibodies. Biosynthetically, pristane is derived from phytol and is used as a biomarker in petroleum studies.

What is murine lupus?

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disorder. The study of diverse mouse models of lupus has provided clues to the etiology of SLE. Spontaneous mouse models of lupus have led to identification of numerous susceptibility loci from which several candidate genes have emerged.

Can mice have lupus?

Similar to humans, lupus develops primarily in females with lesser percentage and severity in male mice. They do develop splenomegaly and hypergammaglobulinemia. They do not manifest other clinical manifestations of lupus such as rash or arthritis.

What is Pristane and Phytane?

Pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) is the ratio of abundances of pristane and phytane. It is a proxy for redox conditions in the depositional environments. The Pr/Ph index is based on the assumption that pristane is formed from phytol by an oxidative pathway, while phytane is generated through various reductive pathways.

What is the name of c20h42?

EICOSANE n-Eicosane Icosane

PubChem CID 8222
Structure Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C20H42
Synonyms EICOSANE n-Eicosane Icosane 112-95-8 Nonadecane, methyl- More…

What are murine models?

A mouse model is a laboratory mouse used to study some aspect of human physiology or disease. A variety of different model organisms are used in this regard, but mice are especially useful because they share mammalian features with humans and suffer from many of the same diseases.

What is a chromatin antibody?

Antibodies to chromatin (DNA complexed with histone proteins) are found in >50% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and are significantly associated with kidney disease in this patient group. Chromatin antibodies may be found in patients with drug-induced lupus.

What is Phytane number?

Phytane is a 20–carbon atom branched-chain alkane. Formally known as 2,6,10,14-tetramethylhexadecane, it has three chiral centers and therefore eight possible stereoisomers. It is normally found as a mixture of most if not all of its isomers.

What is the condensed structural formula for Pristane?

Pristane | C19H40 – PubChem.

What does eicosane look like?

Eeicosane is a hydrocarbon lipid molecule that is very hydrophobic, practically insoluble in water, and relatively neutral. Eicosane has an alkane, and a colorless and waxy taste. It is found in highest concentrations in lemon balms.

Is C20H42 organic?

Icosane (alternative spelling eicosane) is an alkane with the chemical formula C20H42. It has 366,319 constitutional isomers. Icosane has little use in the petrochemical industry, as its high flash point makes it an inefficient fuel….CHEBI:43619.

Synonyms Sources
n-eicosane NIST Chemistry WebBook
octyldodecane ChEBI