What is Ncchc certification?

What is Ncchc certification?

What is Ncchc certification?

Participation in NCCHC’s Certified Correctional Health Professional program signifies your leadership, commitment, and expertise. Certification recognizes the mastery of national standards and the knowledge expected of leaders in this complex, specialized field.

What are ACA standards?

ACA standards relating to safety require adherence to all federal, state, and local fire and safety codes; emergency planning and preparation; and the provision of related training and materials for staff and inmates.

What do the Standards put out by the national commission on correctional health care ncchc cover?

The Standards address nine general areas: health care services and support, patient care and treatment, special needs and services, governance and administration, personnel and training, safety, health records, health promotion and medical-legal issues.

What does the Ncchc do?

NCCHC renders a professional judgment and assists in the improvement of services provided. NCCHC also offers accreditation for opioid treatment programs in correctional facilities, and is the only accrediting body authorized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that focuses on corrections.

What is Cchp exam?

The CCHP credential shows your mastery of NCCHC standards and your ability to apply them to support the quality of patient care. It’s a signal to the field that you are committed to correctional health care as a career. You’ll gain credibility with colleagues with this tangible evidence of your expertise.

What is the meaning of Cchp?


Acronym Definition
CCHP Certified Correctional Health Professional
CCHP Combined Cooling Heating and Power
CCHP California Childcare Health Program
CCHP Constant Conductance Heat Pipe

What does ACA mean corrections?

The American Correctional Association (ACA) is a non-profit organization managed by current and former corrections officials who award accreditation to jails and prisons.

What is ACA in TDCJ?

American Correctional Association (ACA) Accreditation ACA audits provide a three-year cycle of external auditing, an independent assessment of agency achievement of prison industry standards and federally mandated accreditation of correctional health care.

When did the National Commission on Correctional Health Care Ncchc publish its first set of clinical guidelines for correctional health care?

2001 — NCCHC publishes its first set of clinical guidelines for correctional health care.

Which of the following organizations provides the most comprehensive health care standards that are specific to correctional facilities?

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care has standards for correctional health care, but no accreditation process. With regard to H.I.P.A.A., correctional health care is no different from any other health care setting – all H.I.P.A.A regulations apply.

How often is Ncchc accreditation?

Once accredited, each year you’ll submit a written report (Annual Maintenance Report) with updates on relevant information. Additional on-site visits will occur about every three years.

What is the accrediting body of correctional facilities called?

Armor Correctional Health Services (Armor) is committed to meeting the standards set by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), the independent accrediting agency that establishes the quality level of healthcare provided to inmates in a correctional facility.