What is luteolin and apigenin?

What is luteolin and apigenin?

What is luteolin and apigenin?

Apigenin is a promising anti-cancer compound, because it could inhibit the growth of several cancer cells [23]. Luteolin also is served as a potential and emerging anti-cancer compound, due to its clear toxic effect on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I [24].

What is apigenin supplement used for?

Apigenin is a bioactive plant compound studied for its potential health benefits. These potential benefits include its effects on the immune system, sleep, anxiety, testosterone production, blood sugar levels, and cancer. Apigenein is found in a wide variety of foods, but the two highest are parsley and chamomile.

Is apigenin supplement safe?

Apigenin is considered safe when consumed in normal amounts through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and herbs. However, supplement doses tend to deliver a significantly higher amount of apigenin than would be generally consumed via dietary means.

What supplement contains luteolin?

Luteolin in Foods Luteolin is also present in olive oil as well as herbs and teas, including rosemary, thyme, oregano, peppermint, and chamomile.

What foods are high in apigenin?

Apigenin is abundant in a variety of natural sources, including fruits and vegetables. The best sources of apigenin are parsley, chamomile, celery, vine-spinach, artichokes, and oregano, and the richest sources are in the dried forms [14, 15].

What is the best source of luteolin?

Vegetables and fruits such as celery, parsley, broccoli, onion leaves, carrots, peppers, cabbages, apple skins, and chrysanthemum flowers are luteolin rich [4,10-13]. Plants rich in luteolin have been used as Chinese traditional medicine for hypertension, inflammatory diseases, and cancer [1].

What does apigenin do in the brain?

Apigenin exerts anxiolytic effects at high doses by inhibiting NMDA receptors [1]; it also has affinity to GABA-A receptors [2]. Apigenin also exerts potent antioxidant activities by scavenging free radicals and upregulating glutathione levels; it also exerts anti-inflammatory effects [3; 4; 5].

What is the best source of apigenin?

The best sources of apigenin are parsley, chamomile, celery, vine-spinach, artichokes, and oregano, and the richest sources are in the dried forms [14, 15]. Dried parsley has been reported to have the maximum quantity of apigenin, at 45,035 μg/g.

What is apigenin found in?

Apigenin is found as a single ingredient in chamomile tea, obtained from the dried flowers of Matricaria chamomilla, an annual herb native to Western Asia and Europe; naturalized in Australia, Britain, and the United States.

What food has highest luteolin?

Perhaps the most concentrated source of luteolin is in Mexican Oregano (dried). While Fresh, Oregano contains roughly 1mg/100g of luteolin, Mexican Dried Oregano contains 1028mg/100g of luteolin. Mexican Dried Oregano also contains 17mg/100g of Apigenin and 42mg/100g of Quercetin.

Is apigenin the same as chamomile extract?

To spare confusion, apigenin is a compound found in chamomile; it’s not a drug. You can get apigenin by purchasing it as a supplement. Another way is to drink chamomile, or take supplements of chamomile.

What food is highest in apigenin?

The best sources of apigenin are parsley, chamomile, celery, vine-spinach, artichokes, and oregano, and the richest sources are in the dried forms [14, 15]. Dried parsley has been reported to have the maximum quantity of apigenin, at 45,035 μg/g.
