What is Extracoronal bleaching?

What is Extracoronal bleaching?

What is Extracoronal bleaching?

Extracoronal bleaching, otherwise known as external bleaching involves the use of a chemical agent on the outside of a tooth to remove discoloration from tooth structures with vital pulps. The most frequently used agents in extracoronal bleaching are hydrogen peroxide and urea (carbamide) peroxide.

What is used for internal tooth bleaching?

Generally, internal bleaching is accomplished using the “walking bleach” technique, in which 10% carbamide peroxide is placed in the pulp chamber (rather than sodium perborate or 35% hydrogen peroxide) and changed weekly.

Why is it called walking bleach?

I had a patient in the office today for non-vital bleaching and found myself explaining to her we call it walking bleach, because you walk around with it in your tooth. It was the classic case of a tooth that had been traumatized years earlier.

What is walking bleach?

What is the walking bleach technique? The walking bleach technique is used to whiten teeth that have had root canal treatments. It involves bleaching the tooth from the inside of the tooth.

Does internal bleaching weaken the tooth?

The results clearly indicated that internal bleaching provides long-term success for treatment of discolored nonvital anterior teeth over a period of years and does not have any detrimental effect on dental hard tissue.

When do I use internal bleaching?

You’ll know you need internal bleaching for your teeth if one or more teeth remain yellow, despite your impeccable oral hygiene and your at home whitening efforts. This unyielding color change is a sign of an infected or dead tooth that needs dental treatment right away.

How long can I use carbamide peroxide?

Do not use carbamide peroxide for longer than 4 days in a row. Call your doctor if you still have excessive earwax after using this medicine, or if your symptoms get worse.

Is carbamide peroxide bad?

These studies infer that a very large ingestion of carbamide peroxide is potentially hazardous for humans. However, the estimated total ingestion of 10% carbamide peroxide by humans during a typical bleaching treatment provides a calculated safety factor of 239 for the no-observable-adverse-effect level.

Can you bleach a root canal tooth?

Whitening is a very safe procedure, but the bleaching agents can cause irritation and chemical burns if your soft tissues aren’t protected. Once the access channel is cleaned, your dentist will place a barrier between the sealed root canal and the whitening agent.