What is Ethiopian traditional medicine?

What is Ethiopian traditional medicine?

What is Ethiopian traditional medicine?

Traditional medical practitioners mostly implement herbs, spiritual healing, bone-setting and minor surgical procedures in treating disease. Ethiopian traditional medicine is vastly complex and diverse and varies greatly among different ethnic groups.

What is Grawa?

It is referred to as grawa (Amharic); vernonia tree, bitter leaf (English). Vernonia amygdalina is a shrub or small tree of 2-5 m with petiolate leaf of about 6 mm in diameter and elliptic shape. The leaves are green with a characteristic odor and bitter taste. The plant grows throughout Africa including Ethiopia.

What are the types of traditional medicines?

Traditional medicine: Introduction Herbal medicines are the most widely used of the three and include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations, and finished herbal products that contain as active ingredients parts of plants or other plant materials, or combinations.

What is the name of the traditional medicine?

Traditional medicine (also known as indigenous or folk medicine) comprises medical aspects of traditional knowledge that developed over generations within the folk beliefs of various societies, before the era of modern medicine.

What is the use of Damakese?

Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of leave extract of Ocimum lamiifolium (Damakese) as a treatment for urinary tract infection.

What is Damakase?

“Damakese” (Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth, family: Lamiaceae) is one of the highly regarded and most widely used medicinal plants in the Ethiopian traditional medicine. Among others, it is used for the treatment of inflammatory conditions and infections.

What is Demakese?

Demakese. Used to treat coughs and colds, the fresh leaves are squeezed and the juice sniffed. The juice can also be used as an eye rinse for eye infection. Also used for mich, an infection of fever with headache and mouth blisters.

What is Ocimum Lamiifolium?