What is celebrated on August 15 in Greece?

What is celebrated on August 15 in Greece?

What is celebrated on August 15 in Greece?

August 15 is a big day for the Greek Orthodox Church and for the people of Greece, who celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin or Assumption of Mary.

What is celebrated on August 15th?

the Assumption of Mary
When is the Assumption of Mary? The holiday is celebrated annually on August 15th. The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a very important day in the Catholic religion – it is even called the ‘Easter of the summer’ in some parts of Europe.

What Greek name day is August 15th?

August 15 is a public holiday in Greece and as The Feast day of Dormition of the Theotokos is one of the most important feast days in the Greek Orthodox as well as Roman Catholic calendars.

Was August 15 a holiday?

Assumption of Mary, also known as Assumption Day or Dormition of the Theotokos, is a major Christian holiday celebrating the assumption of Virgin Mary’s body and soul to Heaven.

What is the Italian holiday Ferragosto?

Ferragosto is a public holiday celebrated on 15 August in all of Italy. It originates from Feriae Augusti, the festival of emperor Augustus, who made the 1st of August a day of rest after weeks of hard work on the agricultural sector.

Which country celebrate the Independence Day on 15 August?

The countries, in addition to India, which mark a national day on August 15 are – Bahrain, North Korea, South Korea, and Liechtenstein. Bahrain, which also experienced British colonial rule, declared its independence on August 15, 1971, more than two decades after India attained its own freedom.

Do Greek Orthodox celebrate All Saints day?

Saints of other Christian Religions In the Greek Orthodox religion, All Saints’ Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Holy Pentecost.

Which countries have Independence Day on 15th August?

Why is August 15th Independence Day?

Because it was the second anniversary of Japan’s surrender.” Japanese Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address for this day. In the radio address, he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies. The Indian Independence Bill gave August 15 as the date of independence for both countries.

Why is Ferragosto important?

Dating back centuries, Ferragosto traditionally marked the end of the harvest season, when friends and family gathered together to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The festival also coincides with Assumption Day, the Catholic feast day celebrating Mary’s ascent to heaven.

What happens on Ferragosto?

Ferragosto is a holiday celebrated every year on 15th August. For Catholics, it’s the day to celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It’s also a public holiday for the whole country, and the real start of the holiday season. Banks, offices, shops, and many restaurants and bars close.