What is another way to say get out of your comfort zone?

What is another way to say get out of your comfort zone?

What is another way to say get out of your comfort zone?

Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Show activity on this post. In addition to the answer above: stretch myself, learn something new, explore different options, expand myself.

What’s another way to say zoned out?

What is another word for zoned out?

off-guard unawares
daydreaming derelict
flat-footed inattentive
napping negligent
not on the job spaced out

What’s a word for confidence?

In this page you can discover 91 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for confidence, like: reliance, fearlessness, boldness, trust, aplomb, firmness, resolution, self-reliance, certitude, assurance and intrepidity.

What’s another word for happy place?

What is another word for happy place?

dreamland fairyland
never-never land dream world
inner world land of make-believe
paradise wonderland

What’s another word for trying new things?

Some common synonyms of try are attempt, endeavor, essay, and strive. While all these words mean “to make an effort to accomplish an end,” try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.

What is a synonym for strive?

Some common synonyms of strive are attempt, endeavor, essay, and try. While all these words mean “to make an effort to accomplish an end,” strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort. continues to strive for peace.

What’s another word for trying your hardest?

try one’s hardest

  • cope.
  • seek.
  • strive.
  • tackle.
  • toil.
  • try.
  • assay.
  • attempt.

What’s another word for pushing forward?

Alternate Synonyms for “push forward”: barge; thrust ahead; rush; hotfoot; hasten; hie; speed; race; pelt along; rush along; cannonball along; bucket along; belt along; barge in.

What is it called when you zone out a lot?

Since dissociation can be serious, it’s always wise to talk to a therapist if you zone out regularly or believe you’re experiencing dissociative episodes. Some signs of dissociation include: zoning out during stressful situations.

How do you describe being zoned out?

If you zone out, you stop being aware of what is happening around you, either because you are relaxed or because you are bored. When I’m on the train, I put on my headphones and zone out.