What is an effective Behavioural intervention for dementia?

What is an effective Behavioural intervention for dementia?

What is an effective Behavioural intervention for dementia?

Person-centred care and communication, sensory stimulation and listening to music are three evidence-based therapies that can help reduce agitation and other challenging behaviours for people with dementia. Given that antipsychotic drugs have many side effects, effective non-drug strategies should be considered first.

What are the common interventions for dementia?

Multi-sensory stimulation is most typically used with people with moderate to severe dementia, whereas the other approaches are more appropriate for mild to moderate dementia. Reminiscence work is probably the most commonly used of these approaches in the UK.

How do you respond to dementia behavior?

Ten Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia

  1. Set a positive mood for interaction.
  2. Get the person’s attention.
  3. State your message clearly.
  4. Ask simple, answerable questions.
  5. Listen with your ears, eyes, and heart.
  6. Break down activities into a series of steps.
  7. When the going gets tough, distract and redirect.

What are some examples of challenging Behaviour?

Examples of challenging behaviour include:

  • Withdrawn behaviours such as shyness, rocking, staring, anxiety, school phobia, truancy, social isolation or hand flapping.
  • Disruptive behaviours such as being out-of-seat, calling out in class, tantrums, swearing, screaming or refusing to follow instructions.

What are some of the nursing interventions to implement with a patient with dementia?

The nursing interventions for a dementia client are:

  • Orient client. Frequently orient client to reality and surroundings.
  • Encourage caregivers about patient reorientation.
  • Enforce with positive feedback.
  • Explain simply.
  • Discourage suspiciousness of others.
  • Avoid cultivation of false ideas.
  • Observe client closely.