What is a strip plot design?
In a strip-plot design, the whole available area is divided into a horizontal strips and b vertical strips. One level of factor A is assigned to each row and one level of factor b is applied to each column. For example, if you had 3*4=12 factors, your plot would have 12 sections: A 3*4 split block design.
How is strip plot design different from split plot design?
In a split-plot experiment, levels of the second factor are nested within the whole-plot factor (see Table 11). In strip-plot experiments, the whole-plot factor is completely crossed with the second factor (see Table 10).
What is split plot design?
A split-plot design is an experimental design in which the levels of one or more experimental factors are held constant for a batch of several consecutive experimental runs, which is called a whole plot.
What makes a split plot design different than a factorial design with blocking?
The layout of a split-plot design resembles that of a randomized block design. The key difference between split-plot designs and randomized block designs is that, in randomized block designs, the factor level combinations are randomly assigned to the experimental units in the blocks.
What is strip split design?
Instead, we study here the strip-split-plot design; i.e., an extension of strip-block designs such that each plot on the intersection is subdivided into subplots toinsert a third factor.
What is split block design?
The split block arrangement is especially suited for two factor experiments in which the desired precision for measuring the interaction effect between two factors is greater than either of the two factors. This is accomplished with the use of three plot sizes: 1.
What is lattice design?
Lattice design is nothing but the method of constructing certain types of resolvable incomplete block designs, some of which are Balanced Incomplete Block (BIB) designs or Partially Balanced Incomplete Block (PBIB) designs, but others are not.
What is a nested design?
Nested design is a research design in which levels of one factor (say, Factor B) are hierarchically subsumed under (or nested within) levels of another factor (say, Factor A). As a result, assessing the complete combination of A and B levels is not possible in a nested design.
Which one is main error in split plot?
The split-plot error mean square msE2 = ssE2 / a(r –1)(b –1) is used as the error estimate in testing the significance of split-plot factor(B) and interaction(AB). where ta and tb are t-values at error d.f. (Ea) and error d.f.(Eb) respectively.