What is a loading control in PCR?

What is a loading control in PCR?

What is a loading control in PCR?

Loading controls are usually proteins that exhibit high-level, constitutive expression in the cell type or sample you are examining. This ensures constant expression levels. Thus “housekeeping genes” are frequently chosen for use as loading controls.

What is the purpose of loading control?

Loading control antibodies are important controls as they indicate the equal loading of samples across all wells. Loading controls also indicate the proper transfer of proteins to the membrane during the western blotting process. Loading controls are typically proteins with high and ubiquitous expression.

Why is tubulin used as a loading control?

Beta-Tubulin, is usually used as loading control for Western Blot to normalize the levels of protein detected by confirming that protein loading is the same across the gel. OriGene offers high quality Anti-beta actin mouse mAb (Loading control) for Western Blot.

What is a good loading control for Western blot?

Beta actin is commonly used as a western blotting loading control because it is ubiquitously expressed to high levels and is stable under most experimental conditions.

Why is B actin used as control?

Beta-Actin (42 kDa) is commonly chosen as a loading control due to its general expression across all eukaryotic cell types. The expression levels of this protein do not vary drastically due to cellular treatment, which is another reason the protein makes a suitable control.

Why are controls used in electrophoresis?

Introduction. Loading controls are commonly used in gel electrophoresis techniques, such as western blotting, to verify that the gel lanes have been evenly loaded with sample material, and they are typically used to standardize the results from these studies.

Why is beta-actin used as a control in PCR?

Beta-actin, is usually used as a loading control for Western Blot to normalize the levels of protein detected by confirming that protein loading is the same across the gel.

Is alpha tubulin a loading control?

beta-Actin, GAPDH and alpha Tubulin are well known housekeeping proteins that are commonly used as loading controls.

Why is actin used as a loading control?

What is the role of a tubulin gel?

Microtubules function in many essential cellular processes, including mitosis. Tubulin-binding drugs kill cancerous cells by inhibiting microtubule dynamics, which are required for DNA segregation and therefore cell division.

Why is B actin used as a control?