What is a good price per therm for natural gas in Illinois?

What is a good price per therm for natural gas in Illinois?

What is a good price per therm for natural gas in Illinois?

In May, natural gas prices reach their highest point in more than a decade

Ameren Illinois 70.844 cents per therm (up about 7.6 percent from May 2021)
North Shore Gas $1.0233 per therm (up about 132.2 percent from last May)
Peoples Gas 99.24 cents per therm (up about 86.4 percent from last May)

What was the price of natural gas in 1990?

Supporting Information

Year Retail Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Retail Gasoline Price (Constant 2015 dollars/gallon)
1989 1.00 1.70
1990 1.15 1.89
1991 1.14 1.81
1992 1.13 1.75

Why was natural gas so expensive in 2005?

Natural gas prices have reached historically high levels. The hurricanes worsened the underlying tightness of supply and demand. By shutting in a significant part of the Nation’s production for the year, supply tightened.

How many therms per month is normal?

How many therms does the average household use? In summer months, households typically use less therms than in winter months. In California, residents use an average of 40 therms per month in the winter and 16 therms per month in the summer10.

What were gas prices in 1978?

In 1978, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in U.S. cities ranged from 65 cents to 71 cents. During 2013 (January through October), it ranged from $3.35 to $3.74—over 5 times higher than the 1978 prices.

What was the price of natural gas in 1980?

Bad Prices Arising For the average American, drivers went from paying $0.36 per gallon at the pump in 1970 (which is equal to about $1.72 per gallon in today’s dollars) to $1.19 per gallon in 1980 (which is equivalent to about $2.95 per gallon).