What is a disciplinary power?

What is a disciplinary power?

What is a disciplinary power?

Disciplinary power is a particular type of power which subjects exercise over their own person, such as the application of rules of conduct and appropriate behaviour.

What is an example of disciplinary power?

Some examples of disciplinary power I have observed at different places of work: Swiping in and out via security pass (monitoring time spent on site) Use of company telephones (monitoring for personal calls) Use of company email (monitoring for personal emails)

What are the three elements of disciplinary power *?

Disciplinary power has three elements: hierarchical observation, normalizing judgment and examination. Observation and the gaze are key instruments of power. By these processes, and through the human sciences, the notion of the norm developed.

What is disciplinary power and how does it form individuals?

Discipline is a mechanism of power which regulates the behaviour of individuals in the social body. This is done by regulating the organisation of space (architecture etc.), of time (timetables) and people’s activity and behaviour (drills, posture, movement).

What is the difference between sovereign power and disciplinary power?

For example, sovereign power is exercised through physical punishment and rewards. Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through surveillance and knowledge.

What is Foucault’s definition of discipline?

Discipline for Foucault is a type of power, a modality for its exercise. It comprises a whole set of instruments, techniques, procedures, levels of application, targets. It is a “physics” of power, an “anatomy” of power, or a technology of power.

What does Foucault mean by a disciplinary society?

A disciplinary society is a society where one becomes a docile body due to the presence, or threat of, constant surveillance. Disciplinary society was a term first used by Michel Foucault to describe a condition of surveillance.

What are the elements of discipline?

6 Common Elements of Effective Discipline

  • 1 | Must be given by an adult with an affective bond to the child.
  • 2 | Consistent and close to the behavior needing change.
  • 3 | Perceived as “fair” by the child.
  • 4 | Age-appropriate.
  • 5 | Temperamentally appropriate.
  • 6 | Lead to self-discipline.