What injuries did Alex Morgan have?

What injuries did Alex Morgan have?

What injuries did Alex Morgan have?

Morgan tore her ACL as a senior in high school. In previous generations, this injury could have spelled the end of her career before it really even started. But not in this day and age.

When did Alex Morgan hurt her ankle?

In October of 2013, Morgan sustained an injury to the same ankle that was misdiagnosed as an ankle sprain. Due to the incorrect diagnosis, Morgan ended up returning to the field too quickly, which caused her to sustain a stress reaction in the talus bone of her already damaged ankle.

How long is a player out with an ankle sprain?

Recovery is usually very quick following a sprained ankle where the injury is on the outside of the foot. Most athletes can go back to full training after 1-3 weeks. It can take longer if there is considerable damage to the ligaments, and some people suffer from stiffness and pain for several months.

What injuries can you get from rolling your ankle?

A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together.

How did Alex Morgan tear her ACL?

2. Lessons About Injury. Alex Morgan knows a thing or two about injuries – she’s dealt with them since high school. She tore her ACL as a high school senior, which in times past, would have been a career-ending injury before her career started.

What was Alex Morgan’s worst injury?

She tore her ACL as a high school senior, which in times past, would have been a career-ending injury before her career started. However, she underwent surgery. Alex had to sit out for a year but she made a full recovery and went to play at the University of California.

Can you play sports with a rolled ankle?

If you have an ankle sprain, you’ll probably need to take some time off from sports and other strenuous physical activities. Make sure your sprained ankle is completely healed first. You can go back when: The swelling goes down.

Can you play football with a rolled ankle?

It depends on the sport, the position within the sport and how severe the sprain. Prior to being cleared to play, an athlete should be able to hop on the ball of the foot 10 times. This can be done with the ankle braced or taped. On average return is 2-6 weeks, with high ankle sprains 6-10 weeks.

How long should a rolled ankle hurt?

The recovery time for a sprained ankle varies depending on the severity of your injury. It may take anywhere from two weeks to heal a minor sprain and anywhere from six to 12 weeks to heal a severe sprain.

Why are ACL injuries so common?

As with any sport or activity, the more you practice and play it, the greater the risk of injury. Today’s prevalence of ACL tears is partially attributable to increased training, practice, and playing time which places a far too heavy workload on an athlete’s body.