What happens if unconjugated bilirubin is high?

What happens if unconjugated bilirubin is high?

What happens if unconjugated bilirubin is high?

High levels of bilirubin can cause a yellowing of your skin and eyes, a condition doctors call jaundice. High bilirubin levels are common in newborns. Doctors use the age of the newborn and the bilirubin type and levels to determine if treatment is necessary.

What is the most common cause of neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia?

The main causes of increased bilirubin mostly are: race, genetic polymorphisms; inherited and acquired defects e.g. spherocytosis, Gilbert’s syndrome, Najjar 1 and 2 Molecular genetics studies have shown the correlations between neonates hyperbilirubinemia and different genetic variations which can change in enzyme …

What causes bilirubin to be high in newborns?

Newborns produce more bilirubin than adults do because of greater production and faster breakdown of red blood cells in the first few days of life. Normally, the liver filters bilirubin from the bloodstream and releases it into the intestinal tract.

What is the most serious problem that can result when a newborn infant has high levels of unconjugated bilirubin?

High levels of bilirubin can travel to your baby’s brain. This can cause seizures and brain damage. This is called kernicterus.

How do you treat unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia?

Conventional treatment for severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia consists of phototherapy and exchange transfusion. Phototherapy, however, has several known disadvantages while exchange transfusion is associated with a significant morbidity, and even mortality.

What is unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia an indication of?

Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia occurs with increased bilirubin production caused by red blood cell destruction, such as hemolytic disorders, and disorders of impaired bilirubin conjugation, such as Gilbert syndrome.

What is unconjugated bilirubin in newborns?

Unconjugated or indirect bilirubin: This pigment is increased mostly in infants with neonatal jaundice. It is the bilirubin associated with normal destruction of older red blood cells. This is called physiologic jaundice. The baby’s urine is usually light yellow and the stool color is mustard yellow or darker.

What level of bilirubin is too high in newborns?

But, at birth, the liver may be immature. Half of babies have some jaundice. Usually it is mild. The level of bilirubin that is harmful is around 20.

How do you treat high bilirubin in newborns?

Treatments to lower the level of bilirubin in your baby’s blood may include:

  1. Enhanced nutrition.
  2. Light therapy (phototherapy).
  3. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg).
  4. Exchange transfusion.

Which disease is associated with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia?

People with Crigler-Najjar syndrome have a buildup of unconjugated bilirubin in their blood (unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia). Bilirubin has an orange-yellow tint, and hyperbilirubinemia causes yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice).