What does it mean when you test positive for leukocytes and negative for nitrite?

What does it mean when you test positive for leukocytes and negative for nitrite?

What does it mean when you test positive for leukocytes and negative for nitrite?

However, negative test results do not rule out a urinary tract infection, and you should talk to a health care provider if you have UTI symptoms or are at higher risk of UTIs. Positive leukocytes and negative nitrites means that only leukocytes were detected in your urine.

Can you have a UTI with negative nitrites?

A negative nitrite test does not rule out a UTI, but a positive one strongly suggests infection. Infection with non-nitrate-reducing organisms will result in a negative nitrite test.

Does positive leukocytes always mean UTI?

If your doctor tests your urine and finds too many leukocytes, it could be a sign of infection. Leukocytes are white blood cells that help your body fight germs. When you have more of these than usual in your urine, it’s often a sign of a problem somewhere in your urinary tract.

What causes leukocytes in urine without nitrates?

Leukocytes in the urine without nitrite If the test for leukocyte esterase is positive but finds no nitrite, an infection may still be present. The test is particular to certain bacterial enzymes, which means it can pick up specific bacterial infections with more certainty.

What causes high WBC in urine with no bacteria?

Other causes of pyuria may include: sterile pyuria, where UTI symptoms may be present, but there are no bacteria detected in your urine. sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection, syphilis, trichomonas, mycoplasma, and HIV.

What causes positive leukocytes in urine?

A urinary tract infection (or UTI) is the most commonly occurring reason for increased levels of leukocytes in the urine. High levels indicate that the immune system is trying to fight off a fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection by fungus.

Does BV cause leukocytes in urine?

Although BV has traditionally been considered a non-inflammatory syndrome without an association with increased vaginal leucorrhoea,4 several studies have demonstrated the presence of vaginal leucocytes (white blood cells, WBCs)4–8 in women with bacterial vaginosis.

Can leukocytes in urine mean vaginal infection?

Infection A urinary tract infection (or UTI) is the most commonly occurring reason for increased levels of leukocytes in the urine. High levels indicate that the immune system is trying to fight off a fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection by fungus.