What does a wiry pulse mean Chinese medicine?

What does a wiry pulse mean Chinese medicine?

What does a wiry pulse mean Chinese medicine?

12. Wiry Pulse, Xian Mai: A pulse that feels straight and long, like a musical instrument string, usually occurring in liver and gallbladder disorders or severe pain.

What does a floating pulse mean?

According to “Mai Jing”, the floating pulse is a pulse potent when felt with no pressure applied but impotent when felt with pressure applied, and the sunken pulse is a pulse impotent when felt with no pressure applied but potent when felt with pressure applied, while the hidden pulse is a pulse imperceptible until the …

What are the three pulses?

The first pulse closest to the wrist is the cun (inch, 寸) position, the second guan (gate, 關), and the third pulse position furthest away from the wrist is the chi (foot, 尺).

How do you take your pulse in Chinese medicine?

A brief look at traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) The doctor will use three fingers to take the patient’s pulse at three positions on each wrist, using first gentle then stronger pressure to feel in depth. The quality of the pulse is judged according to 28 variables.

What do bounding pulses mean?

A bounding pulse is a strong throbbing felt over one of the arteries in the body. It is due to a forceful heartbeat.

Why do Chinese medicine doctors look at your tongue?

In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that the appearance of your tongue is a reflection of your health and can be a powerful diagnostic tool. Tongue diagnosis is a very traditional and effective method, which has been used to diagnose diseases for over two thousand years.

What are the 5 pulse points?

The pulse is readily distinguished at the following locations: (1) at the point in the wrist where the radial artery approaches the surface; (2) at the side of the lower jaw where the external maxillary (facial) artery crosses it; (3) at the temple above and to the outer side of the eye, where the temporal artery is …

What are the 9 pulse points?

Pulse Points in the Human Body

  • Radial artery (wrist)
  • Carotid artery (neck)
  • Brachial artery (medial border of the humerus)
  • Femoral artery (at the groin)
  • Popliteal artery (behind the knee)
  • Dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries (foot)
  • Abdominal aorta (abdomen)

Is a bounding pulse good?

Most incidences of a bounding pulse come and go within a few seconds and are not a cause for concern. However, talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you have a history of heart problems, such as heart disease, and have a bounding pulse.

What is Chinese pulse diagnosis?

Chinese Pulse Diagnosis has been used for thousands of years as one of the primary diagnostic tools in Chinese Medicine. It was heavily relied on before the use of x-rays and ultrasounds, and still continues to be paramount in the recognition of disease patterns for treatment with Chinese medicine.

What is a normal rate of pulse?

Rate. As mentioned above, when you go to your doctor’s office, they take your pulse to measure the beats per minute, or pulse rate. This is also the case in Chinese medicine, but your pulse rate is usually measured in relation to your rate of breathing. In general, a normal pulse rate is four to five beats per breath (inhalation and exhalation).

What is the difference between pulse length and pulse length?

Pulse length: Pulse length is thought of as shorter vs. longer and provides indications of the strength and balance of blood and energy flow. All three fingers resting on your artery feel for pulse length. If the pulse is not felt under all 3 fingers, it is considered shorter; if the pulse exceeds the 3 fingers it is considered to be longer.

What does it mean if your pulse is wiry or floating?

For instance – A wiry pulse usually indicates pain or tension A slow pulse can mean low energy or cold A fast pulse can mean fever, excitement, a condition of heat, but also a condition of Empty Heat A floating pulse can mean you have caught some kind of recent acute disease.