What does a polyp look like on your cervix?

What does a polyp look like on your cervix?

What does a polyp look like on your cervix?

Cervical polyps are growths that usually appear on the cervix where it opens into the vagina. Polyps are usually cherry-red to reddish-purple or grayish-white. They vary in size and often look like bulbs on thin stems. Cervical polyps are usually not cancerous (benign) and can occur alone or in groups.

How serious is a polyp on the cervix?

Most cervical polyps are benign, cause no problems, and don’t come back once they’re removed.

What causes a polyp on the cervix?

Polyps are almost always benign (noncancerous). Cervical polyps may be caused by chronic inflammation or infection. Usually, cervical polyps do not cause any symptoms, but they may cause bleeding or a puslike discharge. Doctors can usually diagnose cervical polyps during a pelvic examination.

How do I know if I have cervical polyps?

Your health care provider will perform your pelvic exam. Some smooth, red or purple fingerlike growths will be seen on the cervix. Most often, the provider will remove the polyp with a gentle tug and send it for testing. Most of the time, the biopsy will show cells that are consistent with a benign polyp.

What does a polyp look like?

Polyps are tissue growths that most often look like small, flat bumps or tiny mushroom-like stalks. Most polyps are small and less than half an inch wide. Uterine and colon polyps are the most common, but it’s also possible to develop polyps in places that include the: ear canal.

What is the most common symptom of cervical polyp?

The common symptoms of cervical polyps include:

  • unusual vaginal bleeding such as bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • bleeding between your menstrual periods.
  • bleeding after menopause.
  • white or yellow mucous or discharge from your vagina.

How do they remove a cervical polyp?

Cervical Polypectomy for Polyps Removal During the procedure, a speculum is inserted into the vagina to expose the cervix. Polyps with a “stalk” can usually be removed using forceps to grasp and gently twist the polyp until it’s released from the cervix.

Can you feel polyps with your finger?

Diagnosis of Colorectal Polyps A doctor may be able to feel polyps by inserting a gloved finger into the rectum, but usually polyps are discovered when colonoscopy is done to examine the entire large intestine.

What will happens if cervical polyps are not removed?

Removing the polyp will ease symptoms such as bleeding after intercourse or bleeding between your menstrual periods. If not removed, a polyp may continue to grow. In a small number of women (between 2 and 15 in every 1000), the polyp may become abnormal and develop into cancer.

Is removing a cervical polyp painful?

Having a cervical polyp removed is not painful; however you may feel mild discomfort similar to period pain afterwards. If you are uncomfortable, pain relief will be offered to you.