What does a bursary include?

What does a bursary include?

What does a bursary include?

A scholarship only covers the study fees and is based solely on merit whereas a bursary mostly include study fees as well as book fees, living allowances, pocket money and in some cases a guarantee of work after successful completion of studies.

What is the purpose of a bursary?

A bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into study.

How does a student bursary work?

But just what is a bursary? It’s a financial award, usually given as a lump sum at the start at the academic year, or paid in instalments each term. It does not have to be repaid, which makes it really helpful for students who might otherwise not be able to afford to study.

How are bursaries paid?

It might be paid into your bank account, in lump sums or in instalments during your course. You may also be given a cheque or cash. It might also be paid to you ‘in kind’, which means that instead of receiving money, you could get a public transport travel pass, free meals or course equipment.

Who qualifies bursary?

General bursaries are typically funded by government and are awarded to individuals regardless of their subject or career choice. Career specific bursaries will only allow students who are pursuing a higher education in a particular field or profession to qualify for funding.

Is LJMU degree good?

Liverpool John Moores University is ranked 401 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.2 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

How hard is it to get a scholarship to JMU?

If you have any amount of financial need, you may qualify for need-based scholarships. What are my chances of getting a JMU scholarship? Only about 5% of incoming students secure a JMU Scholarship.